Just In
for Parinoia

5/31/2003 c3 19Anagronax
Hm... I can't relate to them... but I can understand what you mean.

Nice ones and remember, paranoia is a way of life!
5/26/2003 c2 361Gleechumber
Paranoia. Something I understand too well. This is very well written =)
5/26/2003 c1 33Tiefling
I really like your haikus (um, I thinkthe plural is just haiku, but if I just say haiku you will think I just mean this one). They're about more than just what you can see, which I appreciate. The first line breaks the 5-7-5 pattern, though.
5/25/2003 c3 100Keep it 100
Heh. Parinoia strikes us all hard sometimes.

~Heart of the Sword
5/5/2003 c1 68Princess Mulan

this is so sad.

great job!
5/5/2003 c1 100Keep it 100

~Heart of the Sword
5/5/2003 c1 98hurtmushroom
very nice, loved it!

cio, hoellenwauwau
5/4/2003 c1 15Isay
Nice... I like the last line. ^_^

5/4/2003 c1 2Crusty-Diamonds
hm I like it packed full of meaning in a hiaku...I think I'm gonna add it to my favourites. :)

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