Just In
for Lies of the Heart

5/30/2003 c2 5Dark Hime
That is pretty cool!

i can't wait to finish!
5/29/2003 c2 Kiss Of The Irish
Wow, I'm impressed with this story as well. (Can you see that I'm going through all your stories now?) I feel her pain - it's so hard to approach the guy who've fantasized about for so long but who doesn't even know you're alive. Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. =P I can't wait to see what happens when she does attempt to talk to him!
5/29/2003 c2 daydreamer
really nice as...I once went through something like this myself. I don't know if you are/were in this situation but just about everything anout him is right(even the wrongs).

Anyway keep on writng. Seems real promising.
5/20/2003 c1 Linda
Cool story!Sounds a little bit like me...Keep writing!:D
5/16/2003 c2 cH3LL3
hey this is going great. you're off to a great start. cant wait for the next chapter. this story is just like my real life hehe...:)exactly like it.
5/11/2003 c2 3wishinstar
i hope she does talk to him- and its prolouge,and at the end of a story it epilouge. u should prob fix that
5/11/2003 c2 3MystifiedAzure
I like where this is going...can't wait to read the nxt chap and see if she does actually talk to him...please update fast!
5/11/2003 c2 28Yami Scribe
good job! i like it! Keep it up!
5/11/2003 c2 jovial pepper doll
this is a great first chapter! i love the occasional humour! i can totally relate to this story too... all in all it's great. very well written! look forward to the rest!

p.s. read Pollen (my story)
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