Just In
for Lies of the Heart

12/22/2006 c1 3Da Vinci at Work
Haha. Short prologue.
12/12/2006 c18 1dawn's unforgiving darkness
10/9/2006 c18 hellokittygirl
You are one of the most talented writers I have EVER come across, and believe me, that a lot. =D Your story is ... phenomenal (sp?). I loved it so much. All of the raw emotion in it. It was absolutely brilliant. In the beginning, I thought she would end up with Jeremy, but then the little hints and clues proved me wrong. =) You truly have a beautiful story here.

9/26/2006 c18 8incandescente
i read through this story. i loved it. :) simple cliche at first, but ended with a twist. originality. :) continue writing!
9/17/2006 c18 AlexisBo
This story was absolutely fantastic. I loved it :-D The last chapter had me tearing up!
8/20/2006 c18 Kristina
WAW! :D I guess that about sums it up! Hahah! Fantastic! Magnificent! Loved it! Gawd! Hope you have as much success in your other stories as much as you had in this!
8/14/2006 c18 2xrubyxredxrainxdropsx
I love this story! I added this story to my favorite stories list.

The ending's really well-written, and it was cool when Nat punched Jessica.

Do guys really express their emotions so easily? I always thought guys were...a bit...not really types of people who would open up about their emotions, but anyway, maybe they do. Other than that, your story's great!

7/25/2006 c1 PrincessPeach
This is a truly spectacular story. Serioulsy. I loved the way you made the characters complex and interesting. Matt is great! And your style is incredible. Plus the plot is beyond adorable. Why didn't you publish this?
7/21/2006 c18 15freelancewriter

I LOVE the ending..it was...beyond sweet...


GOod job!
7/6/2006 c18 rollwithit
yay im happy for nat! haha i didnt want to post the same thing for every chapter, but if i did it would be "great twist"! i really liked the twists and turns in the story, they were really entertaining. thanks for a good read!
7/6/2006 c9 rollwithit
things are getting very interesting! i really like the way the story is progressing
7/6/2006 c6 rollwithit
ah what a twist! i love it!
7/6/2006 c5 rollwithit
omg! how embarassing!
7/4/2006 c18 10cherrypiesizzle
This was...awesome. I loved it so, so much. WOW. jeez, I am absolutely awestruck. That was great. So sweet. Love triangle, eh? -wink- I'm usually not into those type of things, but I'm making an exception..
7/4/2006 c18 raelia
holy crap. i'm so glad she grew up and owned up to all her deceit. i'm a sucker for happy endings though, so great job!
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