Just In
for Lies of the Heart

7/2/2006 c18 Runningallnightlong
Oh my God! I burst into tears and started clapping at the end...wow wow wow...you are my hero!
6/18/2006 c18 33PearlinTheMist
Oh my God oh my God oh my god oh my god oh my god! holy fuck! You don't know how much this story made me laugh, and how happy it made me! I really don't know what to say but OHMYGOD! I looked at your stuff, but haven't read it yet, but it looks as if you're on your way to favorite author's list! Oh my God! While Jessica and Naddily were standing there at the dance and Jessica did the drink thing, I was hoping Naddily would punch her. Yay violance! Ok, well um, um, ohmygod, um, since I have nothing better to say, and I'm bouncing around the room and whatnat, I'm going on to read the rest of your stuff.YOU'VE GOT STALKER!lol
6/11/2006 c18 RedBerries

That made my millenia.

I thought it was going to be longer, but to be honest, it ended perfectly. I kind of saw the ending coming, but since I like cliches, I'll let it pass.

Btw, really glad that you didn't try and pair everyone up. It's so annoying when the writer thinks that good things come in twos.
5/22/2006 c16 4Anything To Forget Everything
5/12/2006 c2 bluz
I like it. Nat reminds me of myself a bit, i've had a crush on this guy, and i said to my friend i'm going to tell him how i feel, and well . . . i never went though with it. So can't wait to see what happen to Boo.
4/28/2006 c18 21servatis-a-pereculum
"My God, she was like the Energizer bunny. Only evil."

I nearly died laughing reading that...This was a REALLY good story! I have to admit, though, at first I wasn't too excited about it because it seemed like one of those predictable stories, but it was GREAT! Love it, love it, love it! And I want a Matt! Where can I get one?
4/24/2006 c6 Mimi
I like the story, but Natalie is kind of too weak and i wished she had a lttle more spunk. It sometimes gets annoying but it's well written.
4/21/2006 c18 MellyW
this story was AWESOME! Great Job! You just gotta love Matt. Im so glad she got with him. Well you are a good author and maybe you should do a sequel if you havent done one already:P anyway looking forward to your writing- melly
3/20/2006 c1 Kait Dunn
Aha. Yes. You've described that quite nicely. ._.
3/11/2006 c1 4c2heart1420
i just found ur story and I havn't red any of it yet...but DAMN the prologue was NICE.
2/22/2006 c1 34Kendal
So is The Prize coming off hiatus, then?
2/5/2006 c18 The name's Roz
This is so sweet!
1/22/2006 c18 5Single White Rose
So this story totally made my day! It gave me warm fuzzies all over. I liked it a lot. Somehow, I managed to relate to Natalie, like I've done what she did. Nice job!
1/19/2006 c18 4shadowdreamer7598
that's so romantic hehe..it takes her a while to get things, but at least you didn't make her queen of the dance so it wasn't completely predictable =] lol ..is this the end of the story? :'[
1/8/2006 c18 greenday-luver
Wow, great story! I think there needs to be a part two, its so good I wanna read more.
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