Just In
for Misfits

8/4/2003 c2 18The Fallen Caryatid
Wow...oh, wow. This is a terrific story. Jinx was my favorite character in that other story, but this one is so much better. Your writing is fantastic. Please have more.
6/24/2003 c1 TAG1
You know I am going to hit you if you don't post more soon... right?
5/14/2003 c2 TAG
Too lazy to log in, you know who it is anyway!

Well I like it. You over use the word aesthetic about 15 times. Fine once or twice... but you really need to cull a few.

Also you should NEVER use passive voice to open a story. ERK! The rest is good. Good to see you are writing more.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

PS: What you did to Ashley was unusually cruel. Made my gut twist because it was so... real and didn't scream sob story. Contrats.
5/11/2003 c1 4jinchuu
awh.. this stories awesome! i can't believe people haven't reveiwed this enough! if you would, could you email me when you update? ... thanks.
5/7/2003 c2 Grace
how the hell does someone as hypersensitive as Andrew/Jinx survive in the Army? very intrigued and eagerly awaiting more

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