Just In
for Green Tea

8/11/2003 c1 210Kelpylion
Green Tea-how we all love it!
7/27/2003 c1 57teh tarik
Ah, a good cup of green tea is what I need now...
7/17/2003 c1 80Plato's Optic Runaway
bleh. ::doesn't like tea:: sorry. ::cringe:: but i love the poem. especially the first line.
7/12/2003 c1 1Midnight Scribbles
i like the big mysterious words... 'fathomless'... beautiful.
7/4/2003 c1 lainxauber
Green tea is my favourite drink. Beautfiul abstract description.
6/15/2003 c1 29Katterree Fengari
ah, fun...and big words! ok, not really, but still...I'm gonna have to look up that definition of swilled now... Those first 2 lines are really kewl...reminds me of fortune telling reading tea leaves...wait, are there tea leaves in green tea?

I've jus been reading thru all my reviews(yes, I'm bored) and on ur review for "Reach for the Skies" (thx by the way) A dodo(which really has nothin to do with the poem...) is not a pokemon..(although I think there is a dodou-close) anyway a dodo is an extinct bird that went extinct because they lived only on this one island and they had no natural predators, and they couldn't fly, and they tasted good. They were also supposedly to be stupid.
6/14/2003 c1 unforeseen
You're making me thirsty! ;-; Nice poem! Keep writing!

6/14/2003 c1 200Ashes of a Willow
great descriptions!
6/12/2003 c1 41Chlorinated Pi
i am a green tea addict. its great to associate the tea with your soul. nice job.
6/6/2003 c1 34Smoky Bear
simply beautiful... i recently became addicted to coffee... but no drink soothes like tea...
6/5/2003 c1 Kyalia
I like caffeinated hot chocolate better for exams, but I love green tea too. good haiku.
6/1/2003 c1 128Zainab
Green tea is one of my favorite things to drink, and woohoo, someone wrote a haiku about it. Go you! Hmm, exams are tomorrow, guess I'll have to drink some
5/21/2003 c1 8glitterjewele
oh lovely! i really, really liked this one! it seems mysterious . . . made me think of gypsies reading tea leaves. almost got this ephereal feeling when i read it. definitely my favorite line is 'caught within the brimming green.' such a wonderful image - i can totally picture seeing the universe in a tea cup (and maybe we do anyways, huh? :P). a brilliant lil' haiku! awesome work!
5/17/2003 c1 161chairmanmeow
Yeah, especially. And I have exams coming up next week! Help...great haiku, by the way.
5/17/2003 c1 35Mime
Good job! I especially liked the 'fathomless cosmos' line!
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