Just In
for Sanctuary

2/5/2004 c1 8Bleeding-Gemstone
Wow. As she types, she looks around at her own room, her sanctuary. The ending was incredible. Keep writing.
8/11/2003 c1 7Dark Hamadryad
uh-huh! I do all my thinking in my room too-I just tend to get the really good ideas while I'm trying to fall asleep.

5/30/2003 c1 98Not Just a Little Girl
that's exactly how i feel about my room... except i have lots of teddies, lol.

excellently written. again. :D
5/23/2003 c1 12Silverlight Elf
I love this one... really I do
5/20/2003 c1 62Twistedlyinsane
Deep meaning.Arn't bedrooms great places for escaping to?^_^No there but yourself.
5/15/2003 c1 1Jimmy Jazz
Hey, I like this. Really good, and a hint of humour in it. At least that's what I got from it, if I'm wrong I just made a total arse of myself. He he he.
5/14/2003 c1 GrungeIsDead
Sal... Just to tell you that I think writing about your bedroom is a bit.. weird. NO OFFENCE! But, it's... good i suppose if you actually like your room... (YOU ARE SO LUCKY TO HAVE A COMPUTER!)
5/12/2003 c1 The Black Rider
I think we all sort of think of our rooms as a private sanctuary, I certainly do, though I see it as more of a chlostrophobic sanctuary (my room is half my closet). You described it excellently. There were so many emotions driving it. And that last stanza was very cathartic. Great job on the poem.
5/11/2003 c1 Needa S
I can relate! Excellent job!
5/11/2003 c1 20Brandi L
good poem! i can totally relate! my room was my sanctuary for a long time too! :)
5/11/2003 c1 100Keep it 100
I do all of my composing from my laptop in my room also. It is indeed a sanctuary.

~Heart of the Sword

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