Just In
for Oh Oreo!

10/30/2003 c1 jazzlynblu
a silly yet amusing haiku...

never knew it was actually here...

8/20/2003 c1 Deana Bell
Lol! You make me want oreo's...

It reminds me of the time we changed the words to "Sara Spunga" in choir to a song about oreos.

~God bless~
7/17/2003 c1 80Plato's Optic Runaway
heh, amusing. puts them in a their wondrously deserving spotlight. ::devious grin:: swet crreaam...the first line is great.
7/7/2003 c1 23C. Hoogkamer
aw i love all ur haiku and i LOVE oreos! m-m good! keep it up!
7/4/2003 c1 17Winged One1
Holy snixers...a haiku about Oreos! Words cannot express the greatness of this haiku!

winged one

p.s. thanks for the Review, that one meant a lot to me. My mom saw the poem and said it was scary as hell. I prefer passionate, thanks. ;)
6/15/2003 c1 128Zainab
Very funny and creative! I like what you did with the second line!
6/14/2003 c1 unforeseen
::falls out of his chair laughing:: THIS IS SO FUNNY! ::adds you to favorites list::

6/14/2003 c1 200Ashes of a Willow
yum yum! I love oreos. (hence my other penname cookiemonster33) tee hee
6/4/2003 c1 34Smoky Bear
lol, i loved the drawn out syllales in the second line... very homer simpson (m...oreos) drol

ta 4 ur review of Enigma... the positive response encourages me to work on it... xbearx
6/2/2003 c1 4tsuki-no-kage
5/30/2003 c1 Kyalia
Oreos are good, and that describes it perfectly.
5/30/2003 c1 42Lady of the Moon
Silly! I like it. Your drawn out syllables are certainitly something new. Good job!

Asta Chantrea Orra
5/28/2003 c1 64not sure yet
lmao, thats adorable, excellent job!
5/25/2003 c1 71QueenOfTheUniverse
I LOVE oreos! Man, I wish I had some with me now! After reading that, I want some!
5/22/2003 c1 77ForgottenMists
Lol, this is really funny. Yup yup. Me likes. Thnx for reviewing me poem.
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