Just In
for Sorcerer of Destiny: Zuekilen City Disappearings

7/13/2009 c1 4L.A. Clearwater
hey I like it!
6/14/2004 c30 bishonens
That was a really great chapter! How do you know me though? I'm sry, its been a long time since I came back to this site. I've writen a new story though^_^. Keep writing!
2/29/2004 c1 4Turbo Cookie
Sid should of done something :( Hey, who's the father of Exseco anyway? :|
Bye :D
2/17/2004 c30 Spasmodic Rice
Finally, I'm finished with the second series of this anime. ^_^ The formatting of the last chapter was a bit messed up (I had to scroll left and right), but the rest of it was good. I'm a little confused, though. Isn't Spacea Chucky's girlfriend? And isn't Flame his future wife with whom he has a kid? ...Wouldn't Spacea be pissed or sad (or does she even know)? Meh, oh well. =P The fic itself was great with all the fight scenes. Loved the mystery in it, as well as the new characters. Gonna try to catch up again later.
2/17/2004 c21 Spasmodic Rice
Mast: Kitty what do you think? (girlish voice, pretending he‘s kitty) I think Priss should SHUT-UP and get moving before she gets punished.
LMAO! That was hilarious. I had no clue the king had such an attitude. lol.
Anyhoo, I'm going to read the next chapter now.
2/15/2004 c14 Blizz the Black Mage too lazy to sign in
Yay, Sid's back! And everyone is contradicting each other about random things... lol. I just find that very amusing. Not much to say, except I like this Sorcerer of Destiny arc (I think that's what you call a series of connected events in an anime series... sorta. I'm not sure.) so far. And I liked the action in this chapter. =) Anyhoo, I'll read and leave more reviews later.
2/13/2004 c9 Spasmodic Rice
I liked how you added some background info for Flame and Chucky. That way, it's easier to see how the people relate to the story. I'll read more later... I'm too sleepy at the moment to write decent reviews. -_-
2/12/2004 c7 Spasmodic Rice
Finally finished reading the first episode. =D I loved how you made it just like an anime show with even the commercial break stuff. The giant fly was quite original (as far as I know), too... a giant flyswatter would have fit in well. Lol. And I see Chucky's really maturing. Good character development. =P
As for my favorite character, it's probably either Chucky or Rusty. I'll read more later. ^_^
2/11/2004 c1 Spasmodic Rice
Hi... remember me? ^_^; Anyhoo, nice start. A little six-year-old-looking kid going around killing people? o_O That's kinda creepy but at the same time, it's interesting. Lol.
10/23/2003 c1 4Teh Stripe
VERY good.Now I have to read the next series!
10/18/2003 c6 3Xero Dragon
Good as usual. Keep up the good work.
10/9/2003 c2 39Hishonami
Much Longer. The script is going well for you, and you put all yourstuff packed full. I don't see any room for excess baggage.=^_^=

10/9/2003 c1 Hishonami
Wow Destin. This one was short!

But, nice way to open the new chapter up.

D you have a project that YOU R STIL working on. I hate to read complete stories, and not be able to help.
9/21/2003 c2 3Vixtan
Hi Destin! Good chapter, but i have a question. Does Chucky WANT Spacea to dump him? I mean he's bein a dork, lol. I guess he's still young, huh. Cuz he's actin like 1, lol. Still Chucky's pretty cool, he just screws up with Spacea, lol. Thanks for writing this story it is so awesome! I can't wait to read the rest of it. lol anyway bye
6/28/2003 c30 31Cosmic Angel
Cool. This is even better than the first! I love the idea of zelines and dragonas! Well, I'm off to read Illusions of Green. This is really cool!
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