Just In
for Mother, My Love

7/9/2003 c1 89Stoffpferd
This one is so beautifully written and simply true. "For you are a gift so precious to me" That line says it all. I love my mum with all my heart cause she's always there for me.

Great poem! I like it very much!

6/15/2003 c1 128Zainab
Very beautiful. You have a good heart. I like this one with its rhyme. O yeah, I read the beginning of your profile: Japanese music is the best. (I also like French too...)
6/14/2003 c1 200Ashes of a Willow
aaww! awesome poem. I love my mom! she's my everything, especially since my dad left (divorce)
5/30/2003 c1 42Lady of the Moon
Wonderful! It expresses the duty we have to our mothers for helping us grow up quite well. In your first line I think you meant to say the palm of your hand. The phrasing you used was very awkward and I could not be quite sure what it was sposed to mean.

Asta Chantrea Orra
5/28/2003 c1 64not sure yet
aw, very sweet and pretty, enjoyed it muchly, nicely done
5/27/2003 c1 greenfroggies
Very touching - i totally agree. I don't know what I would do if i lost my mother. Just one point, in the line 'Of old fantasies never unmarred.' it has a double negative. Maybe you meant it to but i think it would work better if it said 'ever unmarred' or 'never marred'.

Loved the poem and will definately check out some of your other stuff.
5/23/2003 c1 The Black Rider
A beautiful poem. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without my mother.
5/22/2003 c1 4liquidcrystal
this is incredibly sweet. I'd love to write something like this for my mother. anyway... keep writing! :)
5/21/2003 c1 11midnight dreams
*nods* i needed that reminder. :) yay you. :D
5/21/2003 c1 26kamikaze899
beautiful.. sweet. keep writing ^^
5/21/2003 c1 8glitterjewele
wow, that was stunning! so beautifully written . . . would make a wonderful mother's day card (write to hallmark, they could use a good one ;P). very touching, indeed. the last line, "oh mother without you, i am not me," was lovely - it gave me a little chill. :) my other favorite lines were "you lure sunshine into my life," and "you dabbed my world with brilliant hues." just gorgeous. kudos!
5/20/2003 c1 Needa S
This was beautiful! And your note is so true for everyday goes by I miss my mother. Excellent job!
5/19/2003 c1 74wonky donkey
Wow this was really good.

It makes me feel bad for the way I treat my mom.

I really like the lines"you lure sunshine into my life", "brim the world with love and care"

Great job!
5/19/2003 c1 161chairmanmeow
Yeah, very true. A bautifully written poem indeed.
5/18/2003 c1 36obsidian katana
awesome poem! very sweet, and a nice reminder we all need to have once in a while. nice job on this! keep on writing!
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