Just In
for The Date

6/19/2003 c2 FFStoryteller
Well Suzi, here's the reveiw. Lol Jelly-bean and Scott Hende... *Giggles* Lol very funny and groovy! I WANT MORE! Lol

See ya later


6/17/2003 c2 74LadyAnesta

*does a little dance*

what does he look like?

update soon!

6/16/2003 c1 2inconsequential me
Ah! This is so wonderful! Wonderfully sad...wonderfully written...wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. My heart bleeds for Scott! The poor boy! What'd he ever do wrong? She's such a WENCH. Who does she think she is? huH? how incredibly frustrated...

Scott seems like an awfully sensitive boy... all worried about what he was wearin', and stuff...easily embarrassed too. He's cute, in a nerdy way, and I hope he finds a way to get even with her...*growls* The description was amazing! Seriuosly, I was impressed at the image you established in my head... heh. Well, kudos! UPdate soon!
6/14/2003 c1 badlywrittengirl
aww, scott seems like a really cute guy with dorkish charms ^^ i want to see him with a girl who apreciates it.

thanks for reviewing by the way. i don't know when i'm going to update though.. i've been uninspired lately with that plot.. but i did post my other story, Dasani, which has 17 chapters written already so updates will be more regular.

check it out if you have time ^^

6/9/2003 c1 1obscured-shadow
Whoa. That's pretty good. Tragic, but good... Scott's kinda sappy for my taste, but they tell me that love makes people do weird things. (*shrug*) LoL

Excellently written, keep it up!
6/2/2003 c1 42Almost Infamous
Ahh.. evil preps must die.

I'm so sorry Scott... you deserve better. Well, now that thats out, Ilove this story! It's got the perfect mix of drama and comedy. You have such a wonderful way with words, I love how you describe everything. All in all, very nice job.

Thanks for your review of some of my poetry! It really did mean alot to me!
6/2/2003 c1 jennifer gracie
ah never reviewed anything before but u cant laugh at me anyway cos im a critic,therefore can write a worse review ha ha ha ha.ahem.i really like the way you describe the way she moved and looked and...stuff.it gives a clear image of not only what she looks like,but what her character is like.You use mature language and i really like way you manage to get in bits about him throughout the story to show what hes like which gives the reader an idea of how the date might go. the ending,however sad it is,is really good and you manage to get the reader to be like "aw!".the way you list the event s of the date is good too to show how quickly it all went.overall,great story.
5/24/2003 c1 98Not Just a Little Girl
heehee this is brilliant! poor scott though -she's mean!
5/23/2003 c1 Gemtog4319
That was very entertaining. Truly awesome. YAYY! Gordon you did such a good job. I hope you write more stories about Horace and the gang!AHZAH!
5/23/2003 c1 126swift sky silver
A comment: I like how you describe the emotions Scott is going through.
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