Just In
for Souls of Love

11/7/2013 c11 GrellxUndertaker
Feeeeeeeels triiiiiiiiip
2/4/2010 c11 Poptart Guava King
This made me smile. I just loved it tons. My mom told be to stop grinning like an idiot. :P
5/25/2008 c5 4frolic-horror
Go evil Kenri! :))

Hmm... it's not about the rape being accurate or not... why does it matter if the guy cummed inside Shiyue or not?... some weird culture related thing specific to this universe maybe?
5/25/2008 c4 frolic-horror
He got raped? But... I believed he was a good fighter (and not just with magic)...
5/25/2008 c3 frolic-horror
Things developed kind of fast... but I guess they didn't have a choice 'cause of the hot taking-a-bath-together thing going on :P
5/25/2008 c1 frolic-horror
Thank god for the author note at the end... I was getting confused with all the names starting with "shi" :PP

This story seems to have all the elements I love... nice beginning... will review some more... :P
1/18/2008 c2 5paputsza
rule #2 mullets are bad, especially silvered on and in the world of guyxguy 5'10 is short.
1/18/2008 c1 paputsza
hum, the unwritten rules of yaoi say that a seme is over six feet and a uke is under six feet. Though if the uke and the seme are less than four inches of each other they may interchange, however sparingly.
5/1/2007 c11 61Ruri Star Sykel
That was a cute story i liked it a lot!
4/20/2007 c6 Otome Umi
*sniffle* It's so cute! *bursts into tears* I love you so much!
4/20/2007 c5 Otome Umi
I love you! ^-^ Haha! That *bleep* Gri-whatever got what was comin to him!
4/20/2007 c2 Otome Umi
Oh, *appluad* (I am bad at spelling... FORGIVE ME!) You horrible person. Torchuring poo Kenri like that... But thank you for the chapter!
4/20/2007 c1 Otome Umi
This is pretty good! You're really creative. Keep writing! You have so much potencial!
10/21/2006 c11 10Aingeal Knight
I love it!
5/25/2006 c2 skybluey
ohh! seems like Kenri is falling hard for Shiyue! ^_^ I am reallying enjoying this story!
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