Just In
for Victim of Fear

1/2/2005 c1 8A. Leon
That was great! the ending made me all happy inside!

oh and thaks for reviewing mine^^
6/21/2003 c1 101wildtenderness
hehe,that was interesting.and like you said about the surprising ending..i agree with you.it didn't occur to me that you were talking about roller coaster ride at first.
6/6/2003 c1 crystal
Argh.. Rides, u ppl keep going back even after all that "fear".
5/28/2003 c1 26kamikaze899
loved the ending! quite unexpected. good job!
5/28/2003 c1 8RavenPhoenix
haha! this DOES have a surprising ending! this is great! im gonna add this to my faves ;) excellent job :):)

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