Just In
for Elysium

2/12/2004 c1 A Beautiful Nightmare
This is my favorite of all your poems... It gives me peace...
1/11/2004 c1 28frugale
That's very interesting ... I love the pleonasm in the last line, and the french word... :3
9/17/2003 c1 96AutumnRhapsody
Wow...cool. I love how you put rendez-vous in there, and the italics. Great wording.
9/7/2003 c1 59swirlygirl
nice and simple
7/17/2003 c1 80Plato's Optic Runaway
eek, are you good. i fear if i keep reviewing they might become mindless, repetative praise...but that can be a good thing. ^^
7/12/2003 c1 1Midnight Scribbles
that is it! i am adding you to my favorites list.
7/4/2003 c1 lainxauber
Great job. The essence of your poems are so broad, you can take them to mean more than one thing. I love it!
7/1/2003 c1 17Winged One1
this is beautiful...i'd love to be able to write haikus...but I can never do anything short and sweet *laughs*

winged one
6/29/2003 c1 89Stoffpferd
Oh my God, this is so great! Especially the last line "Rendezvous, we meet..." ...amazing! o.O

6/24/2003 c1 22Gevo
Amazing... You know, this is really, really great...
6/22/2003 c1 126swift sky silver
i liked the first line the best... good job=0)
6/14/2003 c1 unforeseen
Yet another great poem! I wish I had your writing talent! =)

6/14/2003 c1 200Ashes of a Willow
great poem!
6/5/2003 c1 3cinnamin girl

its so prettimous - thanks for the great reviews!
6/2/2003 c1 34Smoky Bear
BEAUTIFUL! well done
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