Just In
for Rebirth of the Heart

1/24/2012 c1 funguyusa
Hot...need explicity,
10/7/2010 c1 14Eclipsist
Loved the original, love this one.
5/2/2007 c14 61Ruri Star Sykel
Hey this one wasn't as cute as the first but i liked it!
5/15/2006 c14 NOTPOSTING
e, I loved it! so cute...and now to the continuation...
9/8/2004 c14 6Goldensong
*sobs* Will read your sequel shortly! I love these two so much! I thought the first one was better though. This one still rocks! Go you!
8/2/2004 c14 1Namishka
this is as funny and serious at the same time as it was the last one.
8/2/2004 c5 Namishka
um...Shiyue Shinriyue sounds more japanese. but anyway...you're the writer, it's not my oppinion that counts. you got some spelling problems. you might want to reread and edit it properly so as to allow proper reading and understanding of it.
3/6/2004 c5 just me
Hey, you are a really great writer! If you could send me the address for your web comic and that pic that you drew of Shiyue and Kenri that would be great. Thanks! My address is Thanks again! I really appreciate it. If you can't do it I fully understand. Ok, bye.
7/31/2003 c9 Dodo Island
Sorry I haven't reviewed this story yet... I read it and the other one over the past few days. They're good. Shiyue is a lot like my friend Alex... they both repeat things when they're hungry or exited... except, when Alex is hungry, she pokes someone repeatedly in the side and says 'HUNGRY! HUNGRY! HUNGRY! ...' with each poke.
6/26/2003 c13 Jess
6/24/2003 c12 Jess
6/18/2003 c9 28GoldenTears
YAY! I loved this chapter! ((Wiggles eyebrows)) I can't wait to read more, but i'm gonna be gone for a week, so I wont get to review for a while! But, keep updating!

6/17/2003 c9 Jess
6/13/2003 c8 GoldenTears
Me: Aww!

Inner me: You can say that again.


Inner me: ((rolls eyes))

Me: It's about time too!

Inner me: I'll say!


Inner Me: I LOVED IT!

6/13/2003 c7 GoldenTears
Yay! Another chapter finished! Gee, everone with all these great stories...((sigh))...It's heaven you know! lol. UPDATE SOON!

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