11/13/2003 c1
The love for the beautiful planes of life come across so well in this. So few people appreciate what they see in the world, and often they suddenly realise how much loveliness there is in life much too late, at a time when they can never catch up. I liked this because although it seemed to come from someone who regreted not being able to enjoy as much as they want of 'world', they were a person who HAD spent their years appreciating the beuaty of it - 'I have breathed, I have dreamed, I have lived.' I'm not sure if that's the intended meaning exactly, but that's the strongest idea it gave me. Very thought-provoking. I realise this was written months ago, but I hope things went well for your grandma.
I've been meaning to pop around and read more of your work for AGES now ... there's just so much to DO. *meep* Anyway, glad I came today! Be expecting me in the future ... ; )

The love for the beautiful planes of life come across so well in this. So few people appreciate what they see in the world, and often they suddenly realise how much loveliness there is in life much too late, at a time when they can never catch up. I liked this because although it seemed to come from someone who regreted not being able to enjoy as much as they want of 'world', they were a person who HAD spent their years appreciating the beuaty of it - 'I have breathed, I have dreamed, I have lived.' I'm not sure if that's the intended meaning exactly, but that's the strongest idea it gave me. Very thought-provoking. I realise this was written months ago, but I hope things went well for your grandma.
I've been meaning to pop around and read more of your work for AGES now ... there's just so much to DO. *meep* Anyway, glad I came today! Be expecting me in the future ... ; )
7/17/2003 c1
80Plato's Optic Runaway
i love what you do! this is..incredible. i like it when people do things from points of views like this. nice job. unique, and well done.

i love what you do! this is..incredible. i like it when people do things from points of views like this. nice job. unique, and well done.
7/17/2003 c1
Woah! This poem is awesome! I almost cried because it reminds me of my grandma, she passed away on June, 19. Thanks for sharing such a masterpiece with us :)
Ps. Thanks for the review ;)

Woah! This poem is awesome! I almost cried because it reminds me of my grandma, she passed away on June, 19. Thanks for sharing such a masterpiece with us :)
Ps. Thanks for the review ;)
7/7/2003 c1
23C. Hoogkamer
wow. truly beautiful. i sincerely hope ur grandmother gets well. she is in my prayers. keep writing please! ^^

wow. truly beautiful. i sincerely hope ur grandmother gets well. she is in my prayers. keep writing please! ^^
7/7/2003 c1
This was good. That is so sad about your grandmother. I hope she is okay. Keep writing!

This was good. That is so sad about your grandmother. I hope she is okay. Keep writing!
7/5/2003 c1
This is beautiful - your grandmother sounds like a very wise person, she certainally has the right outlook on life. Thanks for the reviews by the way!

This is beautiful - your grandmother sounds like a very wise person, she certainally has the right outlook on life. Thanks for the reviews by the way!
6/30/2003 c1
Magnificent. Simply wonderful. I am sorry for your grandmother's illness. She is in my prayers.
*Thanks for the review on Tears*

Magnificent. Simply wonderful. I am sorry for your grandmother's illness. She is in my prayers.
*Thanks for the review on Tears*
6/26/2003 c1 Frodo
This is a really good poem. Life may not be the greatest, but all we can do is live it the best way we can. Your grandmother sounds like a wonderful person. God bless and keep it coming.
This is a really good poem. Life may not be the greatest, but all we can do is live it the best way we can. Your grandmother sounds like a wonderful person. God bless and keep it coming.
6/20/2003 c1
Thank you so much for reviewing my poem, really appreciate it. My favorite line is, 'Yet to feel and touch these gentle lights Is like having wings but cannot soar.' This poem was beautiully written, it is very beautiful.

Thank you so much for reviewing my poem, really appreciate it. My favorite line is, 'Yet to feel and touch these gentle lights Is like having wings but cannot soar.' This poem was beautiully written, it is very beautiful.
6/15/2003 c1
64not sure yet
aw, im so sorry to hear about your grandmother, i hope she is well, i love the poem love, i absolutely love the first stanza, very pretty, the whole thing is excellent though with a strong ending, beautifully done

aw, im so sorry to hear about your grandmother, i hope she is well, i love the poem love, i absolutely love the first stanza, very pretty, the whole thing is excellent though with a strong ending, beautifully done
6/15/2003 c1
*chills!* that was absolutely superb! there's this amazing aura running through it that just captivates me . . . how do you do it? i really felt like . . . okay have you ever read Briar Rose by Jane Yolen? (if not, i recommend it, it's awesome.) i felt like the fading old woman in that book ~ which totally made sense when i read the footnote; i hope your grandmother is feeling better! ! ! what an inspiration . . . wow. there is so much gorgeous imagery in this piece. my favorite bits were: "a streak of gold that soon dispersed," "yet to feel and touch these gentle lights/is like having wings," and most definitely "i have breathed/i have dreamed -/i have lived." those last three lines made SUCH a huge impact, it was wonderful. also, as a side note grammatical suggestion, i think if you made "disperse" and "paint" past tense it would fit with the rest of the stanza better. but really, phenomenal job with this, i LOVED it! it was such a good read. nice work!

*chills!* that was absolutely superb! there's this amazing aura running through it that just captivates me . . . how do you do it? i really felt like . . . okay have you ever read Briar Rose by Jane Yolen? (if not, i recommend it, it's awesome.) i felt like the fading old woman in that book ~ which totally made sense when i read the footnote; i hope your grandmother is feeling better! ! ! what an inspiration . . . wow. there is so much gorgeous imagery in this piece. my favorite bits were: "a streak of gold that soon dispersed," "yet to feel and touch these gentle lights/is like having wings," and most definitely "i have breathed/i have dreamed -/i have lived." those last three lines made SUCH a huge impact, it was wonderful. also, as a side note grammatical suggestion, i think if you made "disperse" and "paint" past tense it would fit with the rest of the stanza better. but really, phenomenal job with this, i LOVED it! it was such a good read. nice work!