9/9/2012 c33
2Alice in Writer's Land
You do plan on continuing, right? Because otherwise, my whole world will be ruined. You aren't a world ruiner, right? So please, CONTINUE THE STORIES!

You do plan on continuing, right? Because otherwise, my whole world will be ruined. You aren't a world ruiner, right? So please, CONTINUE THE STORIES!
7/20/2011 c5 witeaya
i like the concept of the story.its interesting.
but so far i found most of the characters were annoying especially faith. she was so whiny, weak, unrealistic and childish.
i hope u will develop her character along the way. if she get it on with trey with her personality now it will be so shallow of trey.
i like the concept of the story.its interesting.
but so far i found most of the characters were annoying especially faith. she was so whiny, weak, unrealistic and childish.
i hope u will develop her character along the way. if she get it on with trey with her personality now it will be so shallow of trey.
5/18/2011 c33 buznuz1
I recently got your reply to my review how ever many years ago and would like to say THANK YOU for updating, I LOVED the latest chapter! :) I just want to apologise I did not realize I actually sounded like that 2 years ago and and VERY EMBARRASSED :S I loved this story, it was one of the first I ever read on fictionpress and I'm really glad it was! congratulations on your publication! Hopefully I'll be able to read the fabled 'second book'. TTFN, Buznuz
I recently got your reply to my review how ever many years ago and would like to say THANK YOU for updating, I LOVED the latest chapter! :) I just want to apologise I did not realize I actually sounded like that 2 years ago and and VERY EMBARRASSED :S I loved this story, it was one of the first I ever read on fictionpress and I'm really glad it was! congratulations on your publication! Hopefully I'll be able to read the fabled 'second book'. TTFN, Buznuz
2/19/2010 c1 demijackie
Hi I love love this story.
Hi I love love this story.
4/27/2009 c1 buznuz1
THIS IS AN AMAZING STORY! plz update, btw i know this is a review for chapter 1 but ive read ur whole story and IT ROX! I was just wondering is it finished or will u write a sequel cause u habven't updated in like 3 years, THIS IS SUCH A GREAT STORY PLZ PLZ PLZ REPLY TO THE REVIEW!
THIS IS AN AMAZING STORY! plz update, btw i know this is a review for chapter 1 but ive read ur whole story and IT ROX! I was just wondering is it finished or will u write a sequel cause u habven't updated in like 3 years, THIS IS SUCH A GREAT STORY PLZ PLZ PLZ REPLY TO THE REVIEW!
5/20/2006 c32
8Sarah Moody
OMGosh! It was such a sweet chapter! I loved it and I am glad that you updated! YAY!

OMGosh! It was such a sweet chapter! I loved it and I am glad that you updated! YAY!
3/24/2006 c31 Sarah Moody
You'd better hurry up and update or I might have to hurt you. :) PLEASE UPDATE!
You'd better hurry up and update or I might have to hurt you. :) PLEASE UPDATE!
12/31/2005 c31 Sarah G
oh! please, please update!
oh! please, please update!
6/14/2005 c9
2Fractured Simplicity
firstly i think your story is very interesting, but i have one question, isnt Faith supposed to be 17? and Trey is 27, right? well, if that said chemistry evolves into a relationship, well thats illegal. Trey can be put in jail! i think their whole relationship is moving way to fast to be realistic.. and also them having the same dreams, did you try to convey the idea of soulmates?~Fractured Simplicity~

firstly i think your story is very interesting, but i have one question, isnt Faith supposed to be 17? and Trey is 27, right? well, if that said chemistry evolves into a relationship, well thats illegal. Trey can be put in jail! i think their whole relationship is moving way to fast to be realistic.. and also them having the same dreams, did you try to convey the idea of soulmates?~Fractured Simplicity~