Just In
for Friendship's band

1/11/2004 c1 28frugale
This is so sweet! You are the lullaby author. Be blessed.
9/23/2003 c1 127godawful teen-angst poetry
Oh wow-I can't believe I didn't see this before now! Aw...this is so sweet of you! Love it. *gives hug*

7/17/2003 c1 80Plato's Optic Runaway
::grin:: nice job. beautiful.
7/14/2003 c1 3cinnamin girl
yaya! thansk for the band! im not a just haiku person, but iappreciate it anyway.. sorry it took so long ot get back to you... and you should hear that song, angel.. it is anything but cute... more like haunting...
7/7/2003 c1 28soulspring
how sweet and touching... a beautiful piece.

p.s. thanks for mentioning me =D.
7/6/2003 c1 126swift sky silver
i like this a lot, it's sweet. keep writing=0)
7/4/2003 c1 lainxauber
I've just started writing haiku, and I hope that someday I can write ones as good as yours. The way yours are written...they are so elequent and make so much sense to me...you've inspired me to keep trying at haiku. [I know this sounds so corny, but I'm telling the truth!]

cheers, Lain
7/4/2003 c1 38Shadafakup
That was awfully sweet.. Actually it wasnt just sweet it was very well woven.. The format was very interestin, like a friendship band itself.. With the stars and all to complete the whole thing.. Even though miles away I'm touched.. Thank you very much for mentioning my name, it really made my day.. Beautiful words pieced together in a great way.. Enjoyed it lots.. =)
6/25/2003 c1 22Gevo
And I DO feel left out... *starts crying and returns to her corner*
6/19/2003 c1 1Jimmy Jazz
Oh wow, excellent poem, and thinks for mentioning me, it's really made my day. Brilliant poem. Wow.
6/15/2003 c1 64not sure yet
aw, that poem was so sweet and awesome, loved it, and i feel special too for being mentioned, lmao, nicely done
6/15/2003 c1 8glitterjewele
aw! okay, you need to know this: i found this poem on thursday night, which was one of the most miserable nights i can remember because i was up the entire time studying for a perfectly horrific test. so i found it on one of my [few] five minute breaks, and it cheered me up immensely, and then i looked at the list of people at the bottom and you have no idea how absolutely warm n' fuzzy it made me to see my name. i mean, it was like an INSTANT energy boost and i totally went back to the books with newfound inspiration and i did WELL on the evil thing and i attribute everything to YOU. so yeah, thought i'd share my lil' testimonial - you were a lifeline! :D so i just finished moving back into my house like half an hour ago and you were the first one on my To Review list, and guess what i found in my inbox? lol. the poem itself is so well-written and beautiful. i love it to death. but you know, the thing that REALLY gets me about it, is the format. all you have to do is LOOK at it and all the pretty little stars cheer you up, it's amazing! :P *ehem* but yes, it's a very touching piece. and now *drumroll* favorite lines! hoorah! :P they are: "fluvial of mere dreams," "link across the globe," "threads of woven fate," and "destined to meet here/in this wonderous place." *heartfelt applause* simply superb in every way! you most certainly rock, chica! THANK YOU. ;) kudos and keep up the great work!
6/14/2003 c1 200Ashes of a Willow
That was a neat idea! I enjoyed reading it a lot! :) :)
6/12/2003 c1 128Zainab
That was so beautiful! You're right, race or religion does not matter at all! I like the formatting you put this in. Stars are pretty...
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