Just In
for Blood and Oatmeal

11/30/2003 c9 midnightiger13
i love drake!
8/8/2003 c13 Uzumaki
LOL! I love zombies...This is SO bloody funny! Bad pun intended.^_^ Very well written and entertaining story. Look forward to more.
8/4/2003 c13 3an ebony mind
Hey I luv ur story! A fresh approach to sadism. :)
7/21/2003 c12 Xaquya
Human flesh is SO yummy. . .

Great story! Write more! *runs off to find a tasty human to eat*

-Queen of the Pink Vampire Bunnies
7/14/2003 c3 Miz. Moi
Shotguns. That's the way Zombies are hurt. *smile*

Nice story you have here. Keep writing!
7/8/2003 c11 Britz
It's cute, nice little satire you got running here, the humor is clever and not exagerrated and for a plesant change neither is the gore content, to many fics in this style go over the top but I reckon you got it just right, congrats a humor/horror without anything tacked on, it's bloody rare I tell ya.
7/7/2003 c11 an ebony mind
Awesome! I think that Gilly's going to turn into a sadist!
6/18/2003 c8 hugh
oh my god that was sick! very, very disturbing, not too mention a little too graphic. nice translations tho.
6/12/2003 c6 73Exiled-Knight
This is great! Keep Writing
6/11/2003 c6 7Jenis
NICE! i love it!
6/11/2003 c6 hugh
wow, great job! really interesting stuff...the collab's working out great; i can't tell who's writing!
6/11/2003 c1 Dead Mike
Oh. The plot thickens. sort of like old soda, or cold oatmeal.

Cold oatmean is kind of like brains...
6/11/2003 c2 Jenis
Carey wrote the second chapter, did she!
6/11/2003 c4 Braaaiiiiiinns BRAINS
I loves this story.

What with the zombies and the uncooked eggs and the snicket-ey writing.

I could giggle like a school girl. In fact, I will.

6/10/2003 c4 Mister Vix
Durn...this is very good. DARK HUMOR! *Cackles madly.* Really, a story written of a zombie? Very original!
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