Just In
for Soul Mate

7/17/2009 c15 french touch 8D
I really like it ! Why have you not updated in so long ? I want to know what happens, please update soon !

12/19/2008 c15 OMGjellybeans
I really like this story, please update soon! I think you're a really talented writer and shouldn't stop soon because then i wouldn'n be able to read your work :(

I can't wait for more,

8/5/2008 c15 ChristianAngel01
This is a great story some parts were funny which I liked very much

I enjoyed reading this

I hope you updated soon so I can read more :D
4/2/2008 c15 3Estelin
this story was excellent. keep up the good work. i can't wait to read more.
7/30/2007 c1 atreyu love
8/12/2006 c4 atreyu love
im sorry if i sound.. like a spelling freak ^^;; but you spelled wrap and wrapping, and wrapped wrong ^^;; you forgot the w.
8/12/2006 c2 atreyu love
short chapter, but nice ^^
6/7/2005 c1 aj
ok so you havent updated in 2 years... i guessing that youve stopped writing this.. but i really liked this so please decide to keep writing this story
1/29/2005 c15 chiara
that was awesome you have to update asap no writers block its been two years please update
9/13/2004 c15 ItalianQT
I think your story is excellent so far! I can't wait for Sam and Jason to get together! Update soon! : )
7/13/2004 c15 chiara
you need to update asap!it is awesome!
2/9/2004 c15 CCS Fic Reader
1/23/2004 c15 Vincenza
Please write more soon!
12/11/2003 c15 Irish Elf
ARE YOU EVER GOING TO UPDATE? i like this story and you havent updated in several months, have you abandoned this one and your others? if so please at least update to say that.
11/10/2003 c15 2Night of the Raven
I LOVE THIS STORY. please please continue soon.
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