Just In
for Stitches of Life

2/4/2004 c1 18Pyress
This is so beautiful! I almost started crying like a baby in school! Omigosh it has amazing symbolism and is very touching. It makes me want to go out and make dresses of my own! (Even though it'd be the next Gladiator if I tried but you know what I mean ;) ) Oh and sorry this is coming quite late but thank you so much for the review! It's good to get other people's opinions on your work whether it be praise or criticism, don't you think? :) Later girl!
1/6/2004 c1 stringhopper
that is really beautiful...and sad in a way. I love the way the word flow and create images!
12/28/2003 c1 5Cela E. Grey
wonderful short story! great description of the dresses, it drew a picture of them in my mind, and they weren't stereotypical colors and designs... blue for sorrow instead of black, gold when her daughter died, for the memories. anyway, great story and imagery, and thanks for reviewing one of my poems!
11/17/2003 c1 15LadyGawain
oh wow i simply love this! its so beautiful!
11/15/2003 c1 5Naja Copperleaf
Incredible. Each beautiful gown as a symbol of a stage in her life, and it was so well-executed! Kudos! ;)
10/13/2003 c1 2philoslove
I love this. Its really beautiful, and you can really paint a picture of her life really beautifully. At a loss of words... lovely...
9/24/2003 c1 amicusveritas
This is a story you should attempt to have published...very well done...many things I have thought about sewing...creating clothes, but never as you have portrayed it, creating the memories of events gone by, the record of a life gone by...so many sad things in her life...you have quite a scope...vision...in your writing...I expect you will continue to write and be published...great work, amicus...
8/1/2003 c1 38The Teaspoon Faery
Wow, this is a fantastic story, a great read. I love the descriptions of the dresses, and how they weren't typical symbolic colours (black for sorrow, etc) but unique. That made the way the dresses told the lady's life story even stronger because they were her own unique colours.

By the way, thanks for reviewing my story The Ribbondancer! I'm glad you liked it. If you want a moonflower, well, they are actually real flowers - my friend has some, which is where I got the idea for the story! I live in Western Australia, but I don't know if they'll grow where you live (mainly because I don't know where that is, lol) but I promise all the characteristics I mentioned are absolutely real! :)
6/10/2003 c1 1AmandaPanda
really great! i love the descriptions of each dress, it gives great imagery!

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