Just In
for Paper Planes

9/7/2003 c1 59swirlygirl
lol...great poem leaves something for the imagination
8/26/2003 c1 127godawful teen-angst poetry
I think I have yet to read a haiku of yours that did not simultaneously make me guilty for posting the crap I call poetry and feel this extreme awe for your talent. Great job.
8/26/2003 c1 612simpleplan13
wow... very pretty & excellent words!
8/9/2003 c1 210Kelpylion
Oh my, the structure of this poem is VERY dramatic, and you chose your words perfectly-excellent piece.
7/30/2003 c1 9Modussa
i've never understood this stuff...too short...but after looking at other reviews, you seem to have quite a talent...*frowns* im so confused
7/21/2003 c1 11MiMiZ
Nice. You're a great poet.
7/17/2003 c1 80Plato's Optic Runaway
great job! i love people who can do incredible haikus. i love it. ^^ and thanks for reviewing me.
7/13/2003 c1 36obsidian katana
wonderful piece! well written, flows nicely, great word usage, i like it. great job! keep on writing!
7/5/2003 c1 deaths counterfeit
you make paper planes sound so beautiful and un earthly, like a tresure to be loved forever. astoundingly beautiful, kudos
7/4/2003 c1 lainxauber
You are an incredible haiku writer. You are going on my favourites list.
6/26/2003 c1 71Ilsa Immerman
Wow. Really nice. I wish I knew how to make paper planes.
6/25/2003 c1 76CoolBeans18s
Wow! This is an amazing poem! I love making paper planes, but my dog chews up any she can get to first!

~ CoolBean18s
6/24/2003 c1 22Gevo
6/22/2003 c1 212VOIDKing Ki
Short, sweet and beautiful. So few words and yet, so much meaning. Keep writing!
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