Just In
for Hoffstile Hotel

7/20/2004 c17 7Liriel87
woot they made up. and she got married. How awesome is that? Niice!
7/19/2004 c16 Liriel87
WELL? Whats the answer? COME ON! I cant believe you did that. . .i hope its a yes. ! UPDATE SOON!
4/24/2004 c15 7Galadh
That was really good! Please do more! The ending was freaky! *cries* I want more *Cries more*. PLEASE DO MORE!
4/16/2004 c15 5K-razy Grrl
Oh! Please do hurry up and update! I love this! But when do we get to know her brother more?
1/30/2004 c2 bando2
This is really good so far
1/28/2004 c1 5Autumn Pierce
Yeah, I'm real sorry it took so long! I've been really busy lately.
1/28/2004 c15 7Liriel87
WooW! An update! Good chapter . . . update sooner please! Yes i cant wait to see what happens!
8/16/2003 c14 Liriel87
you must continue soon! I have to find out what the 'ghost' does!

8/11/2003 c13 klaf
WOW! NICE STORY! I love it! Its going really great. i can't wait for the next chappy!

Luv ur story...See ya for now! ;]
8/10/2003 c13 Lavender Megumi
Nice...^^... I like it. Keep a writing those chapters!
8/2/2003 c13 Liriel87
lol a ghost. I cant wait for the next chapter! Update very soon!

7/27/2003 c12 Liriel87
o update son!

7/22/2003 c11 73aims80
Very interesting so far, keep up the good work,

Luv Aims :)
7/22/2003 c11 7Liriel87
ooh no! She will be found out! I really am enjoying the story! Continue please!

7/22/2003 c11 2SuperSandra
So I see her Uncle Frederick has hired her... interesting... maybe he wants her to reconcile with her fake parents... i think she should at least... update soon!
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