Just In
for Backwards Time

7/15/2007 c17 Dixie
Holy Icing that was a very good Time-travle peice really loved it and hope you write another one. I really enjoyed the end. I liked the amount of kids and her mother finally belived her
2/8/2007 c17 youpin
Amazing job.
7/7/2006 c16 2highly-kissable
aww i loved the ending so sweet though it was a but rushed but still great
10/17/2005 c1 1KN
Interesting piece, I can't seem to put it down!
5/26/2005 c17 Barkers
AW W W W Ww w w w ww w w! WOW!
4/22/2005 c17 zagato
you have a good story. please write more.
9/7/2004 c17 chryseis
loved your plot- it was really sweet and original. but if the story was not so rushed, perhaps it would be a little better.
7/23/2004 c7 Autumn Pierce
Sorry it took so long to answer your question, but yes, she came back before she had gotten the measles.
7/15/2004 c17 34nathalsa
This story was amazing. I could sense your love and devotion to the characters and the stories in every single word. I am truly impressed.
1/31/2004 c17 ItalianQT
Wow that was really an awesome story...I'm glad she got to go back to her family.. great plot! : )
1/24/2004 c1 5K-razy Grrl
I realized I'd forgotten to ask you something when I'd finished the story, so I thought I'd submit another review (even if the question is ahead of the chapter). If Raleigh died of measles, how could she have come back? Did everyone just accept that she'd come back to life or something? Or did she come back before she died? Anyway, it was an awesome story. It was really touching. It's the first story I've read about going back in time that didn't spend half the time complaining about how there were no modern appliances or technologies. I love the fact that she got to see her family one last time though her primary/natal family I mean. I loved the ending too. Very nice. :-D
1/24/2004 c17 K-razy Grrl
I loved it! It's a great story. Keep writing!
8/4/2003 c17 2Magic Jellybean
Oh my gosh! The BEST story. When she first went back in time I wanted her to go home but then when she came back I felt like CRYING because she WASN'T back in time! Thats a real twist.
8/4/2003 c17 9Misty Woods
This story is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I was really, really touched. I was quite upset when Raleigh died of measles, but everything was alright later on! :) GREAT! It would be so sad if she had really died. :(

I love this story! Great job!

P.S. Raleigh is a very creative and unusual name! :)
7/19/2003 c17 73aims80
Very interesting story. I really enjoyed reading it.

Luv Aims :)
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