Just In
for Tire Swing

7/15/2007 c1 1colours and carousels
Wow, that's deep for a 19-word poem.

And yet I luff it! It's CUTE! And slightly sad.. but mostly cute! ^_^
3/19/2006 c1 10Finger Dingbat
claps - pretty, unique, vivid, i didn't know what to say when i first read it, but its been stuck in my head all day i think you deserved a review.
4/8/2005 c1 11Robynbird
Aw! Poor tireswing and treehouse. I've never had either. But I really like teh poem.
3/25/2005 c1 14method acting
reminds me of old times...the tireswimg part...not the rotting thingy. But it was deep and good. NICE:-)
7/11/2004 c1 10Chigao Meio
how cute. few words can have more meaning when a long story. ^_^ i like this poem!
7/2/2004 c1 10Cinaed Born Of Fire
Oh, wow... That was a concise, lovely poem. The imagery was brilliant (I particularly loved the 'lost and curdled love' line; just beautiful!) and the alliteration was tasteful. I really enjoyed this poem. Well done!
6/24/2004 c1 6katiebuggie
:) I love it!
5/8/2004 c1 Deranged Lil' Hobbit too lazy to sign in
love the poem, btw! miss the chibis, tho.
2/14/2004 c1 Dmk
Wow, that's quite a lot of emotion for a poem with just four lines. I really liked this one, Enna.
10/31/2003 c1 Eckrice
*Sniff* I would swing on you, little tire swing. I would play in you, treehouse. :*(

I like anyway...
10/3/2003 c1 Specularia
That was nice straight to the point.
10/3/2003 c1 118Yaquel Visain
..wow.. Hah, sorry. It is very pretty.
9/8/2003 c1 98ShadowGal
Nice. Short and sweet-just what I needed.
8/23/2003 c1 7ubercognito
You reviewed one of my poems. How you found it, I have no idearr. But thanks. Now for my highly intellectual *cough* review:

Beautiful in its simplicity - understandable and thought-provoking.

p.s. I am also guilty of bishie-hunting. E-mail me if you like.
6/25/2003 c1 7AethraZip
Don't 'wow' me. It's your stupid swing, Terry.
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