Just In
for The Hostage

9/6/2003 c2 lullaby
ooh cmon cmon when rya gonna update?

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
8/22/2003 c3 lullaby
oh it is loved. great work. ur fight scene was a litte confusing, but theyll get better. congrats and dont forget to update!
7/28/2003 c3 8Night's Fantacy
It all sounds really good. I think that you forget to put in pieriods but besides that it's all great. I'll be waiting for the next chapter.
6/23/2003 c3 SKT
ok, this was pretty good, just work on your gramer and spelling a bit. it is very funny, although you probably didn't mean it to be, o well. kurt is very, very funny. hiei forever...yea ^_^'' see ya, also, thanks for the review. bye bye ^_^
6/20/2003 c1 2Esay
I really like the names, heh. Anyway aside form a cuple of spelling errors the story was very enjoyable. I like the supernatural theme, dont ask me why but this is my kind of story.

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