Just In
for Sonnets of the Seasons

3/11/2004 c4 31Modern Poet
Bravo! The metaphors and personifications are exellent! These are so professional and exhilerating to read! They deserve to be published!
11/23/2003 c4 Desert Wrath
O_O...WOW! King Winter doesn't seem to nice, lol. That was a great description of winter. I felt cold just reading this poem. Well, actually, it could have been the fac that it is winter, but... You're a very talented writer! Keep on writing!

-Desert Wrath
11/23/2003 c3 Desert Wrath
Autumn was described very well in this poem. I liked how autumn was described as a princess! This was a great poem!

-Desert Wrath
11/23/2003 c2 Desert Wrath
I really like how summer was described! I also liked how summer was characterized as a prince. Great work!

-Desert Wrath
11/23/2003 c1 Desert Wrath
This poem sent many great images of spring to my mind! I also liked how spring was characterized into a queen. Great work!

-Desert Wrath
10/13/2003 c1 2Mignon Dupont
Oh Joy of joys! THIS IS SUCH A PRETTY POEM! ^_^ I love it, write more poems! Nature poems are always...so...good. *faints*
10/5/2003 c4 17Timberly Rey
Beautiful, I love them all. They are all very good, with good visualizations and wording. Thank you for posting them, and thank you for the review of my poem. -Timberly
9/24/2003 c1 amicusveritas
Well done...as are all of your writings I have read thus far...Spring is indeed a time of renewal...in the natural world...animals give birth in the spring...on a natural cycle inherent in the genes of the animal world...had a feeling you might tie that in...include it...as always...enjoyed your work..thank you, amicus...
9/21/2003 c1 32MyGodReigns
This is really awesome! I find it difficult to write such long poetry but you do it with flowing grace and descriptions to spark the mind. Beautiful.

*~CQ White Oleander CQ~*
9/13/2003 c1 17Mortal
Great, Nature girl. ;) r/r mine too.. ^^
9/6/2003 c4 11M.D. Cantine
Very good. I like the titles of the poems a lot... veery good.

Thanks for reviewing my poem.

Very awesomely awesome... and now I have a suggestion for you... how about a poem, like this one, only about a day? Like a poem about the rising of the sun, the midday, etc. I think you'd do it well.
9/2/2003 c1 4Thrift Whore
Wow, this is a great poem. I love the feeling I get from it.. Most've the poems I've read have been dark and rather depressing.. This is a very nice change. Keep it up. :)
8/30/2003 c4 87Romantic Squirrel
Yet another excelent piece!
8/30/2003 c3 Romantic Squirrel
My fav!
8/30/2003 c2 Romantic Squirrel
This one is better than spring, great job people great job
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