Just In
for Dr Luke Martin

7/6/2003 c1 TamarF
Wow. That's all I have to say. Wow. That... was... wow... But how did the ppl not hear them? I don't understand. Still.. wow. I'm speechless. And that's no small feat! Good job.
6/29/2003 c1 1Eduardo Ruffini
An interesting story. Will there be more?
6/29/2003 c1 someone
it's really good. keep writing! im waiting for the next chapter!
6/24/2003 c1 Guest
you have to finish this story... it was so good, turning me on and everything, you cant stop there! WRITE MORE PLZ!
6/24/2003 c1 2Jamie Lynne
That was good please continue I liked it

Jamie Lynne
6/24/2003 c1 Snow22220000
Very interesting story. i really like it. you should continue the story.
6/23/2003 c1 JINX
nice story conitnue please
6/23/2003 c1 2Katie Fieldon
I liked it. A lot. It got me slightly excited ;) Write some more like this!
6/23/2003 c1 Schizuoko
are u female by any chance? most of these kinda stories are written by 'em it seems..though i read the story not realising at first it was "erotica", quite amusing.
6/23/2003 c1 A Reader
definitely continue this! it's really good, i'd like to see where it goes from there
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