Just In
for Savin: Last Child of Ancients

6/27/2003 c2 13Believable Facade
I really like this, and it's intriguinging me...what's with all the dreams?
6/27/2003 c1 Believable Facade
wow...I want to finish the dream too!
6/24/2003 c1 1shiningscythe
I liked this story and I think it would be good if you continued it. I struggled to understand what was going on a bit at the beggining but apart from that and the fact that you haven't written more, I thought it was a good read.
6/24/2003 c1 5R.C.Polk
Interesting, I'd like to read more. Please continue. Just title the story Savin, untitled stories don't work well ;). Keep going.

Former Top Secret Military Advisor,

R.C. Polk

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