Just In
for Tell

12/14/2003 c1 146Catella Estelle
Wow...hardcore poem. Tis good!
Truly how does one tell, hm.
Great worK!
Loved the concept!
~ Little Dog Muse
7/1/2003 c1 Hinkle
Piercing. Very much so. Wonderfup poem.
6/28/2003 c1 78penster
I can relate to this one. Love is hard to pick out sometimes, and thats what i hate about it. Great Job, keep writing!
6/26/2003 c1 20ibcra-ze
makes a lot of sense, confused feelings are DEFINATLY problem for me! ^_^ keep writin!
6/26/2003 c1 Incrys
Yes..that's just it - you can't tell. This was an excellent piece, I am definitely going to read more =)
6/26/2003 c1 23chocolatecreme06
Wow, I have been having this same exact feeling and i love how you put it down into words. Very true and in my opinion really good.

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