1/26/2004 c1
Aww... you forgot to mention the sight of bananas places her under your power. Hehe 8)

Aww... you forgot to mention the sight of bananas places her under your power. Hehe 8)
9/7/2003 c1
19gellar the third
okay...? laughing here. ultimately weird. anyvay, make some gory stuff! i wana see spurt.bye bye. (sapphire-sampa trying to be adelfa)

okay...? laughing here. ultimately weird. anyvay, make some gory stuff! i wana see spurt.bye bye. (sapphire-sampa trying to be adelfa)
8/24/2003 c1
34Wasted Postage
Ha ha ha! That is funny! My dog eats carrots and just about anything else you give him! This was a great haiku!

Ha ha ha! That is funny! My dog eats carrots and just about anything else you give him! This was a great haiku!
7/25/2003 c1
very funny. thanks for the smiley face lesson please r+r my stuff if u want. i suggest "hurt", "time" and "this one is called f* you." keep up the good writing.

very funny. thanks for the smiley face lesson please r+r my stuff if u want. i suggest "hurt", "time" and "this one is called f* you." keep up the good writing.
6/29/2003 c1
My dog LOVES bananas. But she also loves avacado. She tries to steal them from the counter when we're not looking! Very funny haiku. Great job!
~ CoolBeans18s

My dog LOVES bananas. But she also loves avacado. She tries to steal them from the counter when we're not looking! Very funny haiku. Great job!
~ CoolBeans18s
6/28/2003 c1
100Keep it 100
What is it with dogs and such food? My dog eats fries, but he'll only eat them if they're from McDonalds. Go figure.
~Heart of the Sword

What is it with dogs and such food? My dog eats fries, but he'll only eat them if they're from McDonalds. Go figure.
~Heart of the Sword