Just In
for Nonsensical haikus of a scattered mind

1/26/2004 c1 11Jusy
Aww... you forgot to mention the sight of bananas places her under your power. Hehe 8)
10/12/2003 c1 82dandelionia
Great title, really cute haiku.
9/21/2003 c1 72CancerianQueen
*lol* That's cute! :)

Keep writing,

9/7/2003 c1 19gellar the third
okay...? laughing here. ultimately weird. anyvay, make some gory stuff! i wana see spurt.bye bye. (sapphire-sampa trying to be adelfa)
8/24/2003 c1 34Wasted Postage
Ha ha ha! That is funny! My dog eats carrots and just about anything else you give him! This was a great haiku!

7/29/2003 c1 13ShortandSweet
lol i loved that.
7/25/2003 c1 49recalcitrant
very funny. thanks for the smiley face lesson please r+r my stuff if u want. i suggest "hurt", "time" and "this one is called f* you." keep up the good writing.
7/6/2003 c1 64not sure yet
hahahaha, very cute, doggys, muchly enjoyed this, excellent job
6/29/2003 c1 76CoolBeans18s
My dog LOVES bananas. But she also loves avacado. She tries to steal them from the counter when we're not looking! Very funny haiku. Great job!

~ CoolBeans18s
6/28/2003 c1 100Keep it 100
What is it with dogs and such food? My dog eats fries, but he'll only eat them if they're from McDonalds. Go figure.

~Heart of the Sword
6/28/2003 c1 34Children of the Root
my dog eats the strangest things too.

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