Just In
for Interpertation of Vows

8/28/2003 c1 Catch Ya Later Alligator
I like it! I love haiku. For some reason this is creepy to me. I don't know if that's what you were going for but. . .yeah.

It sounds like a stalker kind of thing to me. But I'm wierd. XD
8/23/2003 c1 53Lidless Eye
Very neat... Nice job!
7/7/2003 c1 98hurtmushroom
Interesting interpretation, I wouldn't give that vow if I had to promise my life to someone...

cio, hoellenwauwau
7/5/2003 c1 100Keep it 100
Makes sense to me.

~Heart of the Sword
7/5/2003 c1 76CoolBeans18s
You summarized them well.

~ CoolBeans18s
7/5/2003 c1 267Lady B.V Rose
Yeah...they all say the same...but they're all done in heartfelt ways...so its special...^_^

N. Rebucha~~

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