9/3 c1 Guest
You lunatics just finished a near two decade of war by pulling out of Afghanistan... and the country is swiftly back under Taliban.
Oh, yeah. Trump lose to Biden in an obviously sham election and where is Trump supporters? Dead silent.
You guys were great. WERE. You guys have the potential to be great again. Seriously, all the necessary resources are there. All the pieces are in place. But you guys are fuckwits who are still waiting for something, someone to call you to be great again. And when that someone was ousted and lambasted and dragged through a sham trial, you lot stay silent and trust in the system that was proven to be broken. The system that you could have fixed, but you didn't.
Shame shame.
USA was great. USA can be great, hell, can be greater again. But its people, especially Right and Far Right, are gutless worm.
F-king hell, the lot of you guys fought against censorship... on an insignificant issue. On a video game made by foreigners of all things. Sure, its a just and honorable cause, but its not the fight that should be top priority. There are plenty of censorship going on at the highest level in your country right now... and you chose the fight that won't get you raided by police. Lol.
No, we outsiders don't want to take your word for it. Take action. Your ancestors charged a beach filled with MG fire for a cause. And you guys, your generation just sit around typing out bullshit after bullshit.
And don't get me started on your generation's failure to gatekeep your society against internal and external parasites.
So, basically, fuck you. Your cause is just, but your inactions are stupid.
You lunatics just finished a near two decade of war by pulling out of Afghanistan... and the country is swiftly back under Taliban.
Oh, yeah. Trump lose to Biden in an obviously sham election and where is Trump supporters? Dead silent.
You guys were great. WERE. You guys have the potential to be great again. Seriously, all the necessary resources are there. All the pieces are in place. But you guys are fuckwits who are still waiting for something, someone to call you to be great again. And when that someone was ousted and lambasted and dragged through a sham trial, you lot stay silent and trust in the system that was proven to be broken. The system that you could have fixed, but you didn't.
Shame shame.
USA was great. USA can be great, hell, can be greater again. But its people, especially Right and Far Right, are gutless worm.
F-king hell, the lot of you guys fought against censorship... on an insignificant issue. On a video game made by foreigners of all things. Sure, its a just and honorable cause, but its not the fight that should be top priority. There are plenty of censorship going on at the highest level in your country right now... and you chose the fight that won't get you raided by police. Lol.
No, we outsiders don't want to take your word for it. Take action. Your ancestors charged a beach filled with MG fire for a cause. And you guys, your generation just sit around typing out bullshit after bullshit.
And don't get me started on your generation's failure to gatekeep your society against internal and external parasites.
So, basically, fuck you. Your cause is just, but your inactions are stupid.
10/15/2019 c1 mm
7/11/2015 c4 1995june
You're probably white if you think America is hands down the greatest country ever. I love America, proud to be an American but we are far from the greatest country ever. It's all about perspective, and what you're comparing us to.
Great doesn't have a set meaning. Great in terms of what? Healthcare? Lol, try again. Education? Nope. Wars fought? Land amassed? Debatable, while we have been at war for around 90% of the time we've been a country The UK and The Roman Empires were far greater. Slavery ended over 150 years ago, yet 60 years ago My grandparents were allowed to drink from the same fountains and use the same bathrooms as those of some of my friends.
Great is a relative word. America being the greatest country is only relative to what you're comparing it to, sure if you're from a third world country were you have little to nothing to eat an your clothes are tattered and years worn out, America is pretty fucking fantastic.
But when you're African American or NA and have lived here you're entire life, you were born here, this is your home as much as any white person's and dig a little bit into America's history and you see how PoC were/are treated. How black women couldn't vote until the 60's but your history book will tell you it was the 20's. How in the early 20's black people were still getting lynched. How this land originally belonged to the natives and modern America has the freaking nerve to give some shitty tiny piece of land and call it even.
Yeah American may be one of the greatest countries, but it isn't for the right reasons. Unless of course you're white, then yeah, America is pretty fucking fantastic.
You're probably white if you think America is hands down the greatest country ever. I love America, proud to be an American but we are far from the greatest country ever. It's all about perspective, and what you're comparing us to.
Great doesn't have a set meaning. Great in terms of what? Healthcare? Lol, try again. Education? Nope. Wars fought? Land amassed? Debatable, while we have been at war for around 90% of the time we've been a country The UK and The Roman Empires were far greater. Slavery ended over 150 years ago, yet 60 years ago My grandparents were allowed to drink from the same fountains and use the same bathrooms as those of some of my friends.
Great is a relative word. America being the greatest country is only relative to what you're comparing it to, sure if you're from a third world country were you have little to nothing to eat an your clothes are tattered and years worn out, America is pretty fucking fantastic.
But when you're African American or NA and have lived here you're entire life, you were born here, this is your home as much as any white person's and dig a little bit into America's history and you see how PoC were/are treated. How black women couldn't vote until the 60's but your history book will tell you it was the 20's. How in the early 20's black people were still getting lynched. How this land originally belonged to the natives and modern America has the freaking nerve to give some shitty tiny piece of land and call it even.
Yeah American may be one of the greatest countries, but it isn't for the right reasons. Unless of course you're white, then yeah, America is pretty fucking fantastic.
11/14/2014 c1 Clary
9/4/2014 c1 Guest
What about Canada?
What about Canada?
4/29/2014 c1 Guest
You are a true patriot!
You are a true patriot!
7/22/2013 c1 somone
I live in South Africa and we have most of this stuff too
I live in South Africa and we have most of this stuff too
6/23/2013 c1 Guest
Oh btw I am the same person who talked about te newsroom and ragged edges and what not. I am 14. I know more about our country than you do. I am hoping that this was a joke because if it isn't and you are older than me... Go back to fucking high school because you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Or just pay attention to why is going on in your own country... Dumbass
Oh btw I am the same person who talked about te newsroom and ragged edges and what not. I am 14. I know more about our country than you do. I am hoping that this was a joke because if it isn't and you are older than me... Go back to fucking high school because you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Or just pay attention to why is going on in your own country... Dumbass
6/23/2013 c1 Guest
I agree with Ragged-Edges. Also you have a very skewed view of America. As. A fellow American saying this listen. America is not the greatest country in the world. For a great list and rant how watch the first few minutes of the first episode of the Newsroom. Look it up on YouTube. It should be called why America isn't the greatest country in the world.
What it comes down to is that we have become the butt of the worlds jokes and are falling behind in a lot of categories. We are also now a country full of assholes. Think about all the countries that don't worry about gay marriages or argue over government funding. We literally are just a group of arguing pathetically uneducated assholes. Our education system is shit and so is our well fare benefits. Our economy is not about the people or small time business but now it's the banks and the corporations vs the people. These are a few things you should be considering.
I agree with Ragged-Edges. Also you have a very skewed view of America. As. A fellow American saying this listen. America is not the greatest country in the world. For a great list and rant how watch the first few minutes of the first episode of the Newsroom. Look it up on YouTube. It should be called why America isn't the greatest country in the world.
What it comes down to is that we have become the butt of the worlds jokes and are falling behind in a lot of categories. We are also now a country full of assholes. Think about all the countries that don't worry about gay marriages or argue over government funding. We literally are just a group of arguing pathetically uneducated assholes. Our education system is shit and so is our well fare benefits. Our economy is not about the people or small time business but now it's the banks and the corporations vs the people. These are a few things you should be considering.
4/3/2013 c1 doubtless trouble
Every single country has its bounties, and every single country has its flaws.
To be honest, I do not think you are fully aware of economical/environmental/racial/homophobic implications that America still endures to this day. I have come to the conclusion that you are white (because if you were otherwise, you would have at least ecperienced once in your life the discrimination of those with coloured skin), male (being a woman is terrible, and rape culture is increasing), "seemingly" straight (because heaven forbid anyone has ever called you a 'fag' or has said 'that's so gay' in your prescence). You could quite possibly be rich, or the heir of some million-dollar company and have never had to wipe your own ass for fear of contracting a disease (but the hand sanitisers in every room of your mansion will have taken care if that).
And, to be even more honest, I don't think that you could be any of the suggested above, because it's highly unlikely that you have been living under a rock your entire life. No country can be "the greatest". It's simply not possible.
America is NOT great. You should remove this essay from this site and all sites if you have posted elsewhere, and save yourself the image of appearing uninformed, uneducated, and extremely biased.
Every single country has its bounties, and every single country has its flaws.
To be honest, I do not think you are fully aware of economical/environmental/racial/homophobic implications that America still endures to this day. I have come to the conclusion that you are white (because if you were otherwise, you would have at least ecperienced once in your life the discrimination of those with coloured skin), male (being a woman is terrible, and rape culture is increasing), "seemingly" straight (because heaven forbid anyone has ever called you a 'fag' or has said 'that's so gay' in your prescence). You could quite possibly be rich, or the heir of some million-dollar company and have never had to wipe your own ass for fear of contracting a disease (but the hand sanitisers in every room of your mansion will have taken care if that).
And, to be even more honest, I don't think that you could be any of the suggested above, because it's highly unlikely that you have been living under a rock your entire life. No country can be "the greatest". It's simply not possible.
America is NOT great. You should remove this essay from this site and all sites if you have posted elsewhere, and save yourself the image of appearing uninformed, uneducated, and extremely biased.
3/4/2013 c4 Untamed Goddess
How conceited can you get? I can't believe that there are people like you! Undermining other countries to prove yours is the greatest is what does not make you a great citizen of a great country. You're trying to convince everybody that the USA is the greatest. You can't do that. Go get a life. Every country is awesome as fuck. Learn to appreciate these facts.
How conceited can you get? I can't believe that there are people like you! Undermining other countries to prove yours is the greatest is what does not make you a great citizen of a great country. You're trying to convince everybody that the USA is the greatest. You can't do that. Go get a life. Every country is awesome as fuck. Learn to appreciate these facts.
3/4/2013 c1 Untamed Goddess
And I'm an INDIAN, so I would definitely understand where his views come from. They are right - for him. America has changed HIS life, and that's good for him. But that does not mean that another country can't provide the same things. His opinions don't prove anything. It's good that you are a proud American, but saying that you're the greatest is pushing it too far. No country is better than the other. Only one's perception changes they way they look at things. These perceptions are often biased. I can't rant enough about how much this essay pisses me off. Saying you are the greatest is just proving that you're too full of yourself. Modesty and humility are GOOD qualities, you know.
And I'm an INDIAN, so I would definitely understand where his views come from. They are right - for him. America has changed HIS life, and that's good for him. But that does not mean that another country can't provide the same things. His opinions don't prove anything. It's good that you are a proud American, but saying that you're the greatest is pushing it too far. No country is better than the other. Only one's perception changes they way they look at things. These perceptions are often biased. I can't rant enough about how much this essay pisses me off. Saying you are the greatest is just proving that you're too full of yourself. Modesty and humility are GOOD qualities, you know.
3/4/2013 c1 Untamed Goddess
Your "research" regarding the "unparalleled greatness" of America is greatly flawed. Indians go to America because it's a stereotype belief that going to America is going to make their lives much better. I disagree. Happiness can't be determined by where you live. Millions of indians immigrate to the USA because they don't like living in their own country. Such an immigration has proved to be harmful for developing countries like India. All the profit made by immigrants adds to the already great wealth of the USA. There is rampant poverty in our country, and a huge population to cater to. Maybe they could return and help India achieve the same level of progress as other developed countries. Countries like Japan are also very advanced, hard working and amazing. Please don't advocate your (biased) opinions without any logical evidence. Every country is beautiful, every country has it flaws. Try to notice the flaws sometimes: they are what help you improve.
I'm a proud Indian, in spite of all its flaws. And I also have nothing against America. Its a beautiful country, just like any other place.
Your "research" regarding the "unparalleled greatness" of America is greatly flawed. Indians go to America because it's a stereotype belief that going to America is going to make their lives much better. I disagree. Happiness can't be determined by where you live. Millions of indians immigrate to the USA because they don't like living in their own country. Such an immigration has proved to be harmful for developing countries like India. All the profit made by immigrants adds to the already great wealth of the USA. There is rampant poverty in our country, and a huge population to cater to. Maybe they could return and help India achieve the same level of progress as other developed countries. Countries like Japan are also very advanced, hard working and amazing. Please don't advocate your (biased) opinions without any logical evidence. Every country is beautiful, every country has it flaws. Try to notice the flaws sometimes: they are what help you improve.
I'm a proud Indian, in spite of all its flaws. And I also have nothing against America. Its a beautiful country, just like any other place.
11/13/2012 c4 sunshine through the rain
So first off before you publish an essay for everyone to look at at least make sure it has appropriate grammar and spelling. It's what's expected of you on this website, and spell check and care are completely free.
Also another point is to make sure you history is actually accurate, there are quite a few points where you seem to be almost making it up.
A lot of your essay has no structure or is based off the quotes from other people, instead you should try to give a statement and use the evidence to back up this statement.
Another fact is your essay borders on offensive and rude ie 'Euroweenies'
You also fail to mention some of the major negatives of America like the fact it is the only country to have dropped nuclear bombs, or there is still a lot of homophobia and racism, or how a man such as Mitt Romney nearly became president.
Now I'm not saying any country it perfect - I personally believe there is no supreme country, each country has a time at leading ahead of others although that doesn't necessarily make it better. America is close to not being the superpower of the world anyway as China is taking that over. Also this sort of patriotic nonsense leads to wars. I think as a whole humans have enough to sort out with out competing with each other.
So I realise you have got a lot of hate for this essay, which you are going to get if you make an extreme opinion and inflict it on people. But I wouldn't have been so annoyed if the essay was actually decent.
So first off before you publish an essay for everyone to look at at least make sure it has appropriate grammar and spelling. It's what's expected of you on this website, and spell check and care are completely free.
Also another point is to make sure you history is actually accurate, there are quite a few points where you seem to be almost making it up.
A lot of your essay has no structure or is based off the quotes from other people, instead you should try to give a statement and use the evidence to back up this statement.
Another fact is your essay borders on offensive and rude ie 'Euroweenies'
You also fail to mention some of the major negatives of America like the fact it is the only country to have dropped nuclear bombs, or there is still a lot of homophobia and racism, or how a man such as Mitt Romney nearly became president.
Now I'm not saying any country it perfect - I personally believe there is no supreme country, each country has a time at leading ahead of others although that doesn't necessarily make it better. America is close to not being the superpower of the world anyway as China is taking that over. Also this sort of patriotic nonsense leads to wars. I think as a whole humans have enough to sort out with out competing with each other.
So I realise you have got a lot of hate for this essay, which you are going to get if you make an extreme opinion and inflict it on people. But I wouldn't have been so annoyed if the essay was actually decent.
7/28/2012 c4 KatieMichelle
I think I might seriously be in love with you. Marry me?
I'll be taking all of these points with me for the next America-hating douchebag that crosses me :p
I mean... Best essay ever. Your logic is flawless.
I think I might seriously be in love with you. Marry me?
I'll be taking all of these points with me for the next America-hating douchebag that crosses me :p
I mean... Best essay ever. Your logic is flawless.