Just In
for Reality In Shards

1/5/2007 c1 siddika
1/21/2006 c13 Alenor
that was so sad! i feel like crying, but at the same time it was so well written. but why did you kill her? ahh well, good (but sad) story ~ luv Alenor.
12/6/2005 c13 anon
I loved the ending. It just fit.
8/9/2005 c13 1KN
*weeping* did it have to end in this way!
6/5/2005 c13 4Just Liv 4 Life
i like happy endings. this was not happy. IT COULD HAVE BEEN AMAZING! PLEASE! REWRITE THE ENDING!
4/23/2004 c4 nina
everything is really good except your plot development, which is really horrible.
4/3/2004 c13 17Seere Shadowstar
:( that's so sad! y did it have to end like that? It was a great end but it's so sad that she had to die! o and ur Loseing u trilogy is realy good even tho i haven't gotten a chance to read the last one! plz review one of mine I'd like to know what u think! thanks! bye!
2/7/2004 c13 21Perfectly-Insane33
WAH sad ending. Lol. I guess it is like reality, though, not everything can go exactly your way even though it seems as though nothing can ruin it. Great job overall, and even though people can maybe think your plot twists to the endings of stories, I think they're very realistic *nod nod* Great overall story!
2/7/2004 c7 Perfectly-Insane33
OH I KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON! *finally has a smart moment* She's...yaeh! I don't wanna give it...oh screw it, she's the lead singer of the band, am I right?
2/7/2004 c4 Perfectly-Insane33
Lol late with the reviews..I'm working on them all on the same day ^^ He's a bad man *nod nod* a VERY bad man. That would be awkward...But now there's someone else talking to themselves. I'm not alone!
2/7/2004 c3 Perfectly-Insane33
I'll read and review their stuff! Lol it's a hobby of mine...reviewing...^^ Great chapter...I'm a little slow on reading the story, but that's alright. I tried to get around to it a month ago, but I don't know what happened...oh well.
2/7/2004 c2 Perfectly-Insane33
GEEKS LIVE ON! NERDS PREVAIL! WOOT! Lol, sorry about that ^^ me and my friend have jokes...and they're mostly about being geeks and stuff so...yeah. Long chapter ^^ well, not extremely long, but long enough...I'm rambling xD
1/6/2004 c13 Beautiful Rose
That story was so sad. I can't believe Lauryn died at the end. It was still good though. I guess every story can't have a happy ending.
1/4/2004 c13 CCS Fic Reader
1/4/2004 c13 Differentlyhappy
cool but sad ending! tee-hee. nice job with ur whole story, never a dull moment. update soon
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