Just In
for I've Lost And Found

12/28/2003 c17 14Orenji Yume
wa! sorry for not r&r earlier...V.V *stares at chappies* wowee. *freezes* *blink blink* *breaks out of ice* not fair! *jumps around* wa! *sobz* bet shawn muz be terribly confused...even nicole was tryin to calm her down...*sniff* wah! pls tell jen to cool down and sort her thots and clear things up. ~.~ wa! why did she hv to say 'hv a gd life?' to shawn? T.T ah! and u mentioned tt when shawn said 'i luv u' to jen, it was 'probably the first time he’d said it to me since the pressures of high school, and while we were breaking up, too'! O.O NO! pls update soon! *puppy dog eyes* and oh coz, ya hv a happy new yr too! ^^ but pls! update soon! o.o thanx! cya! ^^
12/28/2003 c17 gigigirl281
AWW, DAMNIT! WHY CAN'T SHE JUST SEE THAT HE -=nearly gives away story, but is jerked away by Mello=-
Aigh... see what not talking to you has done to me? XP Anyway, great chappie... it really does hurt me to see the characters suffer like this... they should clear it up soon- I can't stand the pain any longer! ;_; XD
OH! And I saw the new LotR- SO good, though the ending was a bit too drawn out for me. And saw "Pirates of the Carribean" last night... Johnny Depp is HELLA hott! .:drools:. (By the way, just curious- do you personally pronounce it: Care-ruh-bee-uhn, or Cuh-rib-ee-uhn? Nosy lil critter, ain't I?)
Ahem... anyway, the reason I refuse to not like Nicole (that barely makes any sense XD) is because she just is portrayed as really... childlike... like she's actually really "pure" inside, and dosen't know what she's doing might degrade her reputation or make her any less innocent than it appears to be.
But then again, maybe I'm reading too much into the characters and she's actually an evil bitch from Uranus XD.
Woah. Longer than my usual review. hope you had a good time reading it XD.
Love, Peace, Joy to the World, and Fruitcake with a bit of Shounen-Ai...
12/28/2003 c17 87EchoesOfReason
Ah, why can't they talk about it. I'm almost completely certain they're talking about completely differnt things. I just know it somehow and that's annoying. What the heck is keeping her from saying the words. If she's so sure she heard him say it why can't she say it back. WHY? I ASK YOU! Argh, the heart and it's confusing matters, gRR. That's so damn frustrating but understandable at the same time. I completely understand the tense silence too, way too weird. I can't believe he just stood there though, I half expected him to just turn around and walk away after she said she can't be with him anymore...so confuzzling.
Well great chapter and I can't wait for the next one. Take care and good luck on the next chapter.
Love always,
~Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year~
12/26/2003 c16 6Tragedy is Love
that was good though i would have to say that jen was probably overreacting. but otherwise it was good! now, smile and be happy!
12/22/2003 c16 differentlyhappy
i spent hours reading over all three stories and i have now caught up with you! great chapter, i hope it is him and she is happy again. *sigh* update soon
12/22/2003 c16 87EchoesOfReason
I'm going to smack Jen! That's right, I'm going to smack her so hard she'll have some sense in that head of hers because they were trying to explain the situation to her and she was so busy calling people names that she was to damn deaf to listen.
Oh, okay, the review now! hehe, great chapter! Sorry I haven't reviewed in a while, been busy, just had the chance to catch up actually. But this is great, it's going along really well and I can't wait to see what's going to happen next.
Well, good luck and keep up the great job!
Love always,
-Have yourself a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year-
12/22/2003 c16 TEEA
12/22/2003 c16 gigigirl281
Aww! .:cries:. Poor Jen... I REALLY hope things get cleared up the next chappie- I can't stand seeing my favourite characters hurt like that!
You know Nicole isn't the evil bitch that you make her out to be (ish XD), you just don't want ot admit it!
And I SO know who he is... when you reveal it, I'll point and laugh at you 'cause I remembered! XD!
12/18/2003 c15 14Orenji Yume
hihi! ^^ (sorry for not r&r earlier, i was out yesterday watching lotr...^^"") lol, amanda's funny. ^_^ hm...be fren's with nicole? O.o ahahaha...hopefully things turn out the way tt jen is tinking...^.^ yeah, i dun really like nicole...but of course, makin a fren is betta than a enemy. (if...u call her a nice fren V.V) skating! ^-^;; sorry, juz tt where i am, it's summer all yr long. T.T oh, around seven chappies left? wow. ^_^ seems like a little left...^^;; anywayz, pls update soon! ^^ cya!
12/18/2003 c15 gigigirl281
Miaow! ^^; Love the new chappie... Danny boy's being so SWEET! I hope we get to see the fluffy couples together soon... including Nicle and the blonde! (I know who he is, dangit! XD)
...You underestimate the power of the Almighty Memory-thingy, Adderol. XD
12/12/2003 c14 8Tasha Bean
hmm..k..yeah...don't think i like nicole much...she kinda bugs me...
12/12/2003 c14 13Faded Soulfire
Hey, Julia. It turns out that I'm just continuing to get more sick, so my mom let me stay home since it's Friday and everything... ugh, I feel like I'm gonna die and it's certainly not a good feeling. So, while I'm in my delirious state I am going to attempt to write you a long, overdue review! Hey, that rhymed. Funny how the simplist things can amuse me. Moving on now.
I HATE FP.COM. Stupid thing is being RETARDED again and I really feel like complaining to someone.. so I'm gonna ignore my hate temporarily and review lol... So, the first thing Jen said when she answered the phone was hilarious! “Hi Amanda. Yes, I’m fine. No, I didn’t die. And I’m not lying in a ditch somewhere bleeding to death.” Haha, I get a kick out of little things like that. Sorry! Moving on. Ha, Amanda can't believe that Jen thinks Nicole is nice. Seriously thinking of it, I'd feel exactly the same way. And prolly freak cuz Nicole is still a slut LOL. Oh, so Jen is addicted to chocolate? Haha, Amanda ate all her chocolate. Poor Jen! Yes, Nicole is a slut. Poor Sales man!
Boy, I'm pitying a lot of ppl LOL, which is very strange of me. But, anyway, it was a nice and short chapter... funny and amazing how you can have a romance story, yet find a way not to bring the romance in til the end.. which is really nice... cuz u have some really cool scenes in this story, with the snow angels and skating with the kids and this outrageous scene with Slutty Nicole LOL or should I say Sleazy Nicole. Hahaha. Ok, I really think I'm done this time cuz I've run out of things to review about the chappie! Ahh, I'll just have to respond to what you said to me LOL!
Aww, Julia doesn't hate me. Julia is just envious. But, yeah.. I took two pictures at night of the snow, so if they take and I get the film back soon, I'll go to my aunts and scan ya some of the winter wonderland here. Alright, I'm all nervous and excited about meeting Alex at Burger King with Tiff and her BF... I don't care how sick I am! I will not stand him up LOL. He's too incredibly sweet, but meeting him for the first time is gonna freak me out. If you talk to me at all Friday after 5, remind me to tell u what happened. And also, I might come on the internet after the dance on saturday night around 11 or so since the dance is til 10:30. So, Julia, I look forward to another chapter.. and now I'm just going to die in disbelief. He actually said yes. Is this a dream?
Hahaha.. I'm going now! Bye Julia! Have a good weekend if I don't get to talk to ya, since u said ur gonna be busy... So, I'll try and work my magic to give u some snow... but it all melted here from the flood lol.. *sniffles* TTYL. I need to go back to sleep and take some NyQuil.. no DayQuil.. what the hell, I'm gonna take something. Bye!
12/11/2003 c14 baby
ei...how's life?..so how's your story?hope its going well...uumm...u told me once it'll be finished after 3 mnths...i guess 3 mnths has passed...what's d problem?hope u'll finish it soon and i hope it'll be fun and exciting..a relationship that is unbelievable...i like love stories who has a happy ending...if you cud grant my wish,i want jen and shawn 2 end up...i dnt know y..u know on ur frst stori(i said im sorry) i cried..i dnt know y...maybe because its touching..eniweis...haven't review l8ly..ive bin busy too...so der...hope ur doing fyn...take care and gud luck..luvzyah
12/11/2003 c14 6Tragedy is Love
so nicole's okily nice cept for the fact she seems to be overly sluttish. hehehe, there's those sort of pple.
and for the i-have-no-idea-what-number-of-times, your 1st 2 were good.
great chappie and hopefully, time will reveal ALL! lolz
12/11/2003 c13 honey18
ei, tnx...but i rily wud lyk to review...ur story's great...really really great...i luv it...kip it up...:)
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