Just In
for Midnight's Eve

5/5/2004 c4 Phoenix ABC
This is great! but it is a little short and I have found two small conventional errors, albeit the story is intact. YAY! My congrats! Now what's this I hear about Hero's Ballad being delayed?
11/7/2003 c3 Phoenix
hey freak! finish the rest of the story. what the hell happened to her damnit!

oh and by the way that flame was for a good reason. i'm liking this story *mutters under breath "if you'd only finish it" * but its not nice to leave your reader hanging out there like that. there was something MAJOR important that happened here *even tho' i think i know what* so you gotta hafta finish it! *whining and bobbing up and down like and impatient 3 year old* you gotta finish it *whine*

no really i like the story it's all cool and everything. yeah heehee
10/2/2003 c3 ShadowSilver
Meep! I would've read and reveiwed this sooner, but with school and homework and all that crap... yeah. ^^;


YEAH! This is a really good fic! Strong dialouge, too... I wish there were more fics like your's...excellent job with this! Now... update or face the wrath of The Frying Pan of Doomy Evilness from the Seven Hells of Hades! *pokes*
9/25/2003 c1 4Draconix12
Hey, ok. There. I read it. Happy? Just kidding! It's really good. Duh! Do I really need to tell you that?But...ok, sorry. I was looking through the last chapter again. It really good! I like it, it's good.Amnesia rocks! Well, not for Eve. Well, I've got to go, school starts in about 7 minutes. Gotta go, bye!
8/7/2003 c1 112Kazuline
i just read the first chapter, and your writing style is awesome, it reminds me of my favorite coauthors Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. have you ever read any of their stuff? i think you'd like it.

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