Just In
for The Last Mistake

10/7/2003 c1 ShadowSilver
WHY DIDN'T I LOOK AT THIS SOONER? Mistake of teh century xx; *waps self* Ehehe... anyway, VERY VERY VERY good. Twas so sad... ;_; *sniffle*

Er... just to tell ya if you didn't know... meh story has been updated. So... yeah. ^^; THAT ISN'T IT, IS IT? oo; No... wah... ;_; Oh well.

8/11/2003 c1 22Rachel Cook
Oh...thats so sad...good job.
8/8/2003 c1 3heavilymedicated
Wow...And people say I'm good.

You are by far the best short story author I have ever incountered. I'm not quite so good at putting things in a nutshell. I always run on and on and on and...ya...

Thanks for reading and reviewing "The Simple Acts". I'm glad to hear that my short stories had some kind of affect upon someone out there. I have a few more shorties to add on to it, but those first ones were the things that have been nagging at me to get out for a while now. I only hope that more people will read and think on what I tried to say. Again, I'm glad you did.



7/31/2003 c1 23CASSIEgrl32
i really liked this chapter. it sounds like it will b a good story. ill b sure to keep reading. also, i wanted to thank u 4 reviewing one of my poems. :)

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