Just In
for Addiction

7/21/2003 c2 11jules2206
i am really looking forward to how this story develops please update soon, BAI!
7/20/2003 c1 PrettyPepperita
^_^ Wow, I really liked this. Keep up the good work! Your a wonderful writer ^_^
7/20/2003 c1 Fearless-Sweep-Gurl
update soon!
7/19/2003 c1 Zabella
I like it so far!
7/19/2003 c1 3Rhiannon Surels
Please post more soon! I think it's great!

7/19/2003 c1 3alianne
This could get pretty good. The only thing is that it's somewhat confusing to read when you don't start new paragraphs for a new person talking, it gets difficult to differentiate who's talking.

Keep it up!
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