Just In
for Castle Cintyras

2/21/2015 c50 73AlysonSerenaStone
Simply a wonderful story! I wasn't sure what to expect when I read this, but it turned out to be a simply wonderful read! I really enjoyed the world you created and all the characters were amazing!
11/16/2013 c50 Guest
Ya know, I have read this story 3 times and each time I have cried, laughed, been furious, wanted to kill someone, and have re-thought things. I love this story and will probably read it again and again. I really do love this story :)
8/20/2013 c2 Prodigee123
read later
7/24/2013 c50 awsomsuocsem
Overall you did a pretty good, job but I can't help but feel like you just took some things you liked or thought would help your story line and then just dumped the rest of reality of the nearest bridge :/ plus several plotholes. But even though I am a little disappointed you did write pretty well :) so good work
7/20/2013 c50 1Black is Beautiful
I loved this story so much! I love Katrina and Koryn! I managed to read this in an evening it was so good I couldn't stop!
4/8/2013 c3 ChrnoDude
Well at least one good thing came out of it.
4/8/2013 c2 ChrnoDude
I had hoped things would get a little better for them, guess not.
4/8/2013 c1 ChrnoDude
Wow, only one chapter and I already feel like the story has pulled me in and stepped on my heart. Hope things go better for them in the next chapter.
9/13/2012 c50 Guest
Brilliant story, great characters, loved every bit of it!
7/16/2012 c50 Barbie826
This reads like a movie or mini series. I liked Katrina and Koryn.
7/6/2012 c50 sneaky-fox
I have no words for how amazing this story is! I'm completely taken aback by it. Your writting (besides a few spelling mistakes, which btw really doesn't matter) is flawless. All of the characters are so developed and they change in perfect symphony with the ongoings in the plot.

I'm a big fan of Koryn and was from the beginning so I love how it ended and Damien truly got what he deserved. I wish Kenneth didn't have to die, after everything he lost he deserved happiness with Rowena but I guess everyone can't have a their happy ending. Speaking of happy endings (beside Kenneths death) I actually liked how the story finished, Katrina will obviously always have her demons but she will also have Koryn by her side. It was a happy but realistic end.

I really thought I had already read the best stories on fb but I was so very very wrong. Thank you a million times for sharing this story.
6/9/2012 c50 goingsogagaoveryou
That was insanely beautiful! Very glad I found this! 3
7/29/2011 c50 goldenfeather
Wow. That's all i can say because reading this has been a wonderful experience. You show/express your characters well and have little to no mistakes. Its been awhile since I've read an excellent story worth reading over and over and I think that a lot of people would agree with me seeing as how you have over 1,000 reviews and thats a tough thing to do. I can't wait to read your other work and since i haven't checked your profile yet, hopefully, you're still writing to this day.
7/27/2011 c50 Melissa
Churro! I love you! This was an amazing story! My only suggestion is to read through it again and fix spelling errors and the way some words flow. But it's an awesome story! You need to write more often and finish the other one! I love you and am very happy you shared your stories with me! Love your Bestest!
6/23/2011 c50 1Mori Verne
Brilliant.. Sweet...

Revise it a bit. Get it beta read. I could help you there if you like.

Then, it'll be perfect.
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