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for How to Write a Hit Metal Song

8/16/2003 c1 iccess-america
Oh my god it's all true! Hey SlipKnot is apply a nuse which is a rope and you slide the knot down to make it tighter. This implying that you'd kill yourself.

You forgot to say for the vocalist to scream loud and incoherantly. This way the over critical ACTUAL musicians can't tell what you're saying so they can't say it sucks. But like we listen to the words anyways right? (I do)lol

Great job
7/31/2003 c1 1SailorKagome
^.^ Wow...*prints this list out* Now I know what to do! Muahahahahahhahahahaha! This is cool!
7/28/2003 c1 2Special Ed
lol that was funny! very amusing.
7/28/2003 c1 79Laxbaby0905
This is the best and funiest how to create a heavy metal band i have ever heard... good work

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