Just In
for The Best Damn Battle Ever

10/13/2009 c8 8Daisy's Quill
I found this very amusing. Thank you for making me laugh.
1/22/2006 c4 9Alteng
Especially the good stuff!

Well, I like your descritption of Mare Stop. Sounds about normal.

So, I take is Tritan is running aways from the wife or the wife to be.

Glad to see Repp still about, and you do have a hair fixation.

Actually, this is one of the few stories that I have had a good laugh out of, but I must quit reading for awhile. My eyes are giving out! Too much light!
1/22/2006 c3 Alteng
You are killing my eyes with this story, mind you, and you are keeping me from writing the Bane of Rendsberg!

Ruella sounds like a fun maiden in distress! I still want to know if the Herbist has been visiting those special planes of existence. My bard hails from Pepperland! Anyway, nice description on him being so bloody happy.

Ah, Tristan is such a nice fellow. I just hate paladins. I am with Ruella threre. Oh well, drinks? Next chapter. I guess he will be in a tavern.
1/22/2006 c2 Alteng
So, does the Herblist do those interesting little plants that cause prophetic visions?

Anyway, another fun chapter indeed! I like the description of the main character Repp waking up after 30 years. The squirrel should still be living in his beard, and I do have a good time about those long periods between baths. There is a very nasty comment about that in "An Irony of Fate".

Hey, Tristain could have appeared in a more compromising position and he could just have the sword to cover strategic areas of the antomy.
1/22/2006 c1 Alteng
Well, I read this because you were on someone else's review, and it was recent. I got curious. The description of this story got me. I am writing a very long story that is a fantasy parody.

Anyway, here is what I think of your story . . . I like it. It reminds me of Douglas Adams, and I write that way often. If the rest of this written in that tongue in cheek manner, I am in for a good story.
9/4/2005 c8 27E. M. Grinlord
Love this. It's really well written, and the humor is just so... blunt. It really establishes a voice in the story. I've cracked up excessively about five times while reading this. I must say, my family is getting quite worried about me. Keep writing this stuff. You're good at it.
6/27/2005 c8 Faithiny
I LOVE THIS STORY! It's comical and witty, fun and fantastic! Please, please, PLEASE keep working on it! Your characters are well-developed and your dialogue is better than superb. It's...OUTSTANDING! You must keep working on this.
8/19/2004 c8 chickens
I love it. Please keep writing
8/1/2004 c8 mwegan
Wow, you made my day. This is the funniest thing I've read in a long time. Not much else to say, really, sorry about that. Good story, good dialogue, great characters, and good typing, almost error free. Keep writing and kill your homework...
7/15/2004 c8 9Neon Tetra
It's actually getting funnier; the bit with the directionally divided armies had this crazy Abbot and Costello quality that made me laugh out loud. I'm going to have to go back and re-read some of the earlier chapters so I can remember who all of these people are; hopefully I won't forget again by the time you finish the next chapter. Good stuff!
7/15/2004 c8 Estel of Silver Song
Yay! tis great! please keep it up!
Loadsa love, Estel x
7/14/2004 c8 9Magentian
Finally, another one! Your story was getting lonely all the way down there at the bottom of the page... ^_^
And Shrub amuses me muchly. This is a parody of more than fantasy, isn't it? ^_^
Um. Can't think of what else to say. The giggle factor's still not what it used to be, but it's getting back up there. Loved the characterization of Nil as manic-depressive bad poet, by the way. ^_^ I know the type all too well. *cough cough*
Hurry and write more! ^^
7/13/2004 c4 Estel of Silver Song
This is absolutely brilliant! I dnt have time to read through it all right now, but please keep it up becoz il be catching up soon! wel done, tis soo funny!
Loadsa love, Estel x
7/13/2004 c8 Ahrar
"See? I Didn't die."
Heh. I know the feeling. But there's a new chapter! w00t!
Some of the things that I liked:
The description of Trox. Funny stuff. And true. (Which really helps in a parody, by the way, if what you're parodying is very identifiably true.)
Also, I love the rant about musicians. Really funny stuff.
This is a pretty good chapter. Keep it up...
7/12/2004 c1 4SrenRok
This was a good beginning to a story.. yes, indeed. It grabbed me, compelled me, to red more.

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