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for How to Write a Hit Country Song

9/4/2004 c1 17chocoholic
This and those other guides you've wrote are so bloody funny!
"If you're a female, write about your truck loving man". I'm getting right onto that!
9/21/2003 c1 13Beau Porteur De Diamant
LOL. Funny.
8/16/2003 c1 Iccess-america
And the hits keep on coming Courtney! I personally hate country music however my friends absolutely love it. This was hilarious.

Request: Do you think you could do How to Write a Hit Pop Song? That should be hilarious.

7/31/2003 c1 1SailorKagome
O_o...hahahaha, my mom loves country...this ish hilarious.
7/31/2003 c1 supernaturalfreak
haha, I wish I could find a boyfriend too!... oohh, and now I can write my own hit country song, yay! ^_^

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