Just In
for Trade Me a Life

9/23/2003 c16 15pinkdragon
Oh, how sweet! I loved how you brought in the train and the mill. It was so descriptive and scenic that I could see it all in my head. Don't worry, it wasn't too long. To me, it was the perfect length.
9/23/2003 c15 pinkdragon
I wish more guys acted like Rudolf! What was that about Emily Greene at the end? hm . . .
9/23/2003 c14 pinkdragon
Wow, that came out of the blue. I hope they can patch things up.
9/23/2003 c13 pinkdragon
Oh, this chapter is short and sweet!
9/14/2003 c14 I am Gone
Really great up date.Can't wait for more.
9/13/2003 c13 I am Gone
Oh wow really good writing and story line.I hope there will be more soon.
9/12/2003 c12 pinkdragon
giggles "I don't remember this bed being that lumpy" Funny! Oh, and I love the smooches. So good, so good. Keep up the great work!
9/12/2003 c11 pinkdragon
Yay! They shared a dance! I certainly didn't see that polka coming, but it was a great touch. It made me smile.
9/7/2003 c10 11Comrade Jahaa
Raina, once again, brilliant! I love your stories! Im going to be putting in chapter 3 of firin mars soon, and chapter 4 of love of the enemy.
9/4/2003 c10 15pinkdragon
*giggles at young Rudolf in drag* What a sweet chapter! I hope they get to dance together at the ball!

awaiting more,

9/4/2003 c9 pinkdragon
Sheesh! Betty sounds very creepy. I would have liked to see the actual swaying of the souls. I was very curious about how the two would go about doing so, but I'll manage. And for the next chapter . . .
8/27/2003 c8 pinkdragon
Oh, so SWEET! I can't wait to read more. Great job!

8/27/2003 c7 pinkdragon
Cool idea to enchant objects, kinda like a portkey. Oh, and i loved that phrase, "Sign where it says 'sign here'. " Fu-u-nny!

on to the next . . .
8/23/2003 c7 11Comrade Jahaa
Hey, rairai this is great! I CANT WAIT FOR MORE!
8/21/2003 c6 15pinkdragon
Well, you're more than welcome for the ideas, but what you did with them is superb. The Keepers of the Souls and the watch that trapped him in time? That's so awesome! I wonder how the training will go. I can't wait to read more. Wonderful job, Heinrich!

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