Just In
for And Time Again

10/11/2003 c1 Leena
Shouldn't the word 'lurks' (in line 7) be 'lurk'?

Personally, I'm not much of a fan to this kind of formatting; it's not really reader-friendly.

I like how you choose sophisticated words to put in your poem, but (ironically) I think you tried too hard. More often than not, I find myself drifting *out* of the poem than *in*. But then again, that's just me. Just one reader out of, say, thousands of other readers.
9/10/2003 c1 47Anjeni Windsinger
I love your word choice.. they really make the poem beatiful. Exquisite work.

Keep writing!
9/8/2003 c1 8glitterjewele
gorgeous. there isn't anything else to say, it's just gorgeous. and the last line took my breath away. *amazing* piece here. KUDOS!
9/5/2003 c1 28soulspring
an incredible piece...
9/3/2003 c1 53Artemis Astralstar
beautiful work. well done!
9/2/2003 c1 42Lady of the Moon
The ending is wonderful! I really like it. The idea of this poem is upsetting, but often true. You might want to work on your tenses a little bit, though.

Asta Chantrea Orra
8/25/2003 c1 1translucence
That was beautiful. I loved the rhythm, your choice of words, the way you started each line at a different place... All together, they consolidated to make the best poem I've read in a very long time.
8/21/2003 c1 35Mime
Wow, I'm adding this piece to my favorite stories list right now. It was just so beuatiful...
8/18/2003 c1 89Stoffpferd
Beautiful. Just so beautiful!

8/13/2003 c1 Deana Bell
You are a wonderful poet! That's all I can say!

8/13/2003 c1 36obsidian katana
wow...awesome poem! really amazing, your writing. beautiful, heartfelt, deep and full of meaning. great word usage and format, and it has a nice flow to it. i love this. keep up the superb work! you're a great writer!
8/11/2003 c1 210Kelpylion
This poem has a very interesting-and I know this is a weird thing to apply to a poem, but it just fits-*texture.* It feels like molten glass flowing and swirling and settling, then suddenly being cooled and breaking up into a thousand pieces of stardust. In other words, it was wonderful.
8/11/2003 c1 71Ilsa Immerman
Lovely. I know exactly what you mean and I can relate.
8/11/2003 c1 Reina-chan
Thank goodness I check your fp works, or else I woulndn't know what I was missing... this is just...urm...excellent...
8/10/2003 c1 20Deadwind
Awesome job man! I love the last few lines...
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