Just In
for No Requiem

6/10/2005 c1 84this is my love for you
Short, but beautiful and deep.
6/9/2005 c1 90poetic abortion
there are no words to describe this, sheer beauty in essence. captured beautifully. lovely, lovely haiku.

!~* noelle *~!
1/11/2004 c1 28frugale
I love this. There are no words ...
11/14/2003 c1 eddie
I liked it much olot
9/21/2003 c1 34Smoky Bear
absolutely amazing. that was so beautiful... sums up rock bottom for me... that pit of depression you actually learn to welcome, coz things only get better after that... lovely work
9/13/2003 c1 25OracleVIII
9/6/2003 c1 1Jimmy Jazz
Amazing! I love this, it's like... I don't know, I can't explain, but it's awesome!
9/5/2003 c1 28soulspring
simply beautiful; awesome job!
9/5/2003 c1 SiLVER999
Ohh this is so beautiful.

Absolutely genius. No joke.
8/30/2003 c1 42Lady of the Moon
great idea behind it. I like this poem. But in the first line I think bound by shackles would look and sound a bit better than bonded by. Bonded gives the impression that you are apprenticed or something, but I just read to many fantasy books most likely.

Asta Chantrea Orra
8/26/2003 c1 612simpleplan13
very nice I can picture it very well... makes me happy! thanks for the review!
8/25/2003 c1 8glitterjewele
*sigh* how, i repeat HOW can you possibly convey so much emotion and truth in twenty-three words? "dreams flicker off" in particular got my attention, because it followed shackles, and most people focus on losing the shackles or else binding the dreams, and the inversion of these two common concepts completely warped their meaning and potential in my little brain, 'twas fun. :) also, the italicized "cry" made a huge impression on me. it was like the voice of an angel urging you to release all your pent up anger and frustration and thus heal yourself ('you will soon be flying'). awesome piece, yet again. kudos chica. :)
8/21/2003 c1 35Mime
Very inspirational piece...I loved it!
8/18/2003 c1 89Stoffpferd
Oh, I like this very much. Another very well written piece of yours!

8/17/2003 c1 106cosmo-queen
This is beautifully written. I must read some of your other pieces. Keep writing :)

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