Just In
for Love: Conquest of The Rational

6/4/2004 c4 Tracie
Beautiful story so far! I can't wait to read more of it. Julius i think would be much like you have him protrayed. I have always pictured him as a very passionate person. I hope you get to update soon!
3/7/2004 c3 13KayjaD
I want more! I want more!
-Nuff said.
1/18/2004 c2 KayjaD
Wunderbar! :) Or however you spell it. Great job as usual, hun. heh. I swear to get to stepping on my fic soon! It'll be cool to have them entwine!
8/14/2003 c1 KayjaD
AHH! :) I'm so happy you posted. As per usual, I love it. Awesome as heck, I'm hoping to post as fast as you but it won't happen. :'( keep it up, hun! - Kay


Lady Pompeius
8/13/2003 c1 35Kyaroru Fanel
Great idea for a story, even though it seems a little rushed; great work!

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