Just In
for Close My Eyes

7/31/2004 c19 12FrenzyFan78
Uh oh... you must update again!
7/30/2004 c1 13Vaseline
wow that was great i jus read it all from the beginning coz i only jus found it and im so glad i did but i hate it when im left siting waiting for the best bit lol which shows how much i like it coz if it wasnt negood i wudnt be as annoyed that there isnt nemore YET.. but there will b more wont there? of course there will b u cudnt do that to me and jus end it...u wudnt i hope neways its great and so r all ur other stories... ive read them all hehe great job keep it up and ill shut up byes :)
7/29/2004 c19 6Tragedy is Love
cliffie! how could you do that! ! ok, yeah, well...
7/29/2004 c18 Tragedy is Love
eiyAA! hey! wow, so many well ,new things about people. your expanding their personalities! that's good!
7/28/2004 c19 Catlynizdabomb
OMG! They were so happy. What did you do? What's Dallas gonna say? hury.
7/27/2004 c19 procrastinator
everything was perfect. but No, there just had to be a twist. Nice chapter :) update soon ^^
7/14/2004 c18 17Lady of romance world88
Wow Ashlyn and Dallas love each other, hooray. Poor Dallas when he discover that Ashlyn read his diary because she was worried about him a lot. What's wrong with Daphne? She is different now. Does Daphne and Ace broke up?
Hurry update soon
7/8/2004 c18 The Lady Effie
that is a super cute story!
I erally don't have anything to say except for AW! so, good job then!
7/7/2004 c18 Catlynizdabomb
Ah, so cute! Is there anymore! There must be. I bet this won't last forever, because you're like that.
7/7/2004 c18 Wolvierine
Wow, just what I've been waiting for. Update soon, kay? That was soo cute. Ash is finally making peace, ain't she?
7/6/2004 c18 12FrenzyFan78
Aw... *cries* I'm a sucker for sappiness. As long as it's not too sappy. Yeah... I'm going to... uhh.. go now. Good job. Write more!
7/5/2004 c18 10ImtheONE
Yay!He didn't kill himself! Is there going to be another chapter? I f soon update asap!
7/5/2004 c18 5kilpty
yay! i liked this chappy i hope you countinue it has been great so far... hope this is not the end though... hehe I wan to hear more!
7/5/2004 c18 procrastinator
aw... thats so sweet :)
7/4/2004 c17 kilpty
update now plse love the stori now update! asap.
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