Just In
for Special Weekend

1/23/2010 c1 outsidersgirl
this is good
4/2/2008 c1 atreyu love
wow. that was certainly intense. lol
5/26/2006 c1 sweet cherry pye
i love this story what made you wanna write it
11/5/2005 c1 Misc
Loved it... beautifully descriptive. The only thing I didn't like was how very physically perfect they both seemed to be. I like attractive human beings, not Barbie and Ken. Aside from that, though, well-done!
8/28/2005 c1 S3XYfaerie
7/14/2004 c1 me
UH...oh baby...i'm so hot now! that was so great and descriptive, i loved it! ;-)
6/14/2004 c1 Jenny
oh...oh god... i shouldn't have read this...i'm only eight...i know, i know you warned me...don't want to think about it...i think i'm going to die...
3/10/2004 c1 Mommy
YOU no what would be real cool if he later found out that she used to are is still bi!...write more!
10/25/2003 c1 iSh juSt mE
that was pretty good... not the best work i've seen but still pretty good. keep it up tho, ur doin a good job!
8/20/2003 c1 no one
that was not nc-17. i mean, that was barely even a pg in my standards. keep writing!
8/20/2003 c1 ronwrites

very descriptive. which isn't a bad thing mind you :)

i love how you managed to balance the sex and the emotions. that was cool :0

now i have to plug shamelessly :) would you mind reviewing my fic, Nazareno? you don't have to, of course, but there's no shame in begging :)
8/19/2003 c1 9Minnie Souris
very good and well written but where's the story? who are these people? the whle thing came from nowhere & is going nowhere. You need some story to help it along, unless it was supposed to be like something from a porn magazine.
8/18/2003 c1 Guest
that was beautiful

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