Just In
for dying january weeks

7/10/2004 c1 56AsianScaper
Well hello! Glad to see a poem of good quality in the muck that's fictionpress.com! First, I'd like to thank you for your kind reviews (though that must have been years ago). Second, I will tell you that this poem is reminiscent of a nursery rhyme '...five, six, pick up sticks!' Again, another mode of defamiliarization done in style. There is a tone of impatience, a countdown of sorts, and a tally of wrongdoing. In that way, it is far removed from any nursery rhyme and certainly more mature. Do continue writing; this was a wonderful piece!
9/15/2003 c1 25TylerB
hey i'm glad you decided to write some more poetry. you're a great writer.

i like this one, but it just doens't seem to have as good a flow as your others. i can't quite pinpoint it though...
8/22/2003 c1 rebecca
o...jen i love it!...the counting is...ug...nice...im jealous haha...and i really really like how graphic and provokitive it can be...like the slitting of the throat and spitting provoked me to spit out the water i was drinking and say 'ah! shit!' hahaahahah...in a good way...so anyway..i love it and i love you...eagles eye here you come...! :)

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