Just In
for Truth Be Told

12/14/2003 c7 7Chineselaquer
I only ask one thing. Where do you get the patience to read all of these articles for defense? Otherwise, love your "un-biased" arguements. You truly did try to see from both sides.
12/14/2003 c11 3spurs0405champs
It's a good day, it really is. Now, if we can fine Bin Laden then everything can be okay...for a while.
12/14/2003 c11 2RCS
It's a beautiful day for Iraq and a beautiful day for freedom-loving people everywhere. All because of American perseverence in the face of adversity. Bravo-Zulu to all involved in Saddam's capture.
12/14/2003 c11 14Admiral
Let's see...Saddam caught, Iraq jubilant, and once again, it's because of American Know-How in action. In the words of the Gunny: HOO-rah! An outstanding Early Christmas for the World!
12/8/2003 c10 James Jago
The following is quoted verbatim from my Sociology textbook:
Strains between broadcasters and politicians are inevitable. Broadcasters depend upon politicians for their license to operate. Politicians depend upon broadcasters to put over their ideas and personalities to the electorate. Broadcasters always want more freedom. Politicians want more control.
The Falklands War highlighted this conflict. The Britrish authorities were helped by the fact that the Falklands are so remote... One incident, involving the BBC, highlighted the conflict between the broadcaster's desire for freedom and the government's desire to handle news to their own advantage. Newsnight [Britain's foremost current affairs programme] tried to piece together what was happening in the South Atlantic using reports not just from British sources but from the United States and Argentina too.
Mrs Thatcher (then Prime Minister) was highly critical of Newsnight. She told the House of Commons, 'Many people are very concerned indeed that the case for our British armed forces is not being put over fully and effectively. There are times when it seems that we and the Argentines are being treated as equals and on an almost neutral basis. I can only say that if this is so it gives great offence and causes great emotion among many people.'
(Adapted from 'Society Today: Television' in New Statesman magazine 1.12.1983)
You may also have heard of the tremendous row about the BBC's war reporting in Iraq being contrary to the government's line, and it's cautious treatment of Coalition reports of enemy casualties. Alistair Campbell (then the PM's PR guy) tried to threaten the BBC's charter renewal prospects over this.
12/6/2003 c10 57tofujunky
Hi Steven:
"Kim, Kim, Kim, what are we going to do with you?"
Well . . . I'm too old to be spanked. :)
"What I am confused about is your conservative PC examples:"
Maybe I should've elaborated on those. But what I was trying to point out was the Conservatives use the "PC" language to heighten the greatness/righteousness of their actions.
"Your War on Terrorism example is retarded: when has anyone used the war on terrorism to justify a speeding ticket?"
OMG . . . why haven't I thought of that? I'm gonna have to give that a try - I don't want to EVER go back to traffic school; anywhere but that hellhole!
We all know War is bad, killing innocents is evil, and lying is immoral. On the other hand, "War on Terrorism" justifies behaviors that are labeled unethical. War is wrong; "War on Terrorism" could only be seen as right.
"What is morally wrong can never be politically right." -Lord Ashley (1801-1885)
"C’mon now—we know you’re a daisy-carrying liberal, but jeez!"
A daisy-carrying liberal, I am not. A thorn-throwing liberal, yes.
"The patriotism thing made me laugh, once again. That’s not PC, that’s just opinions . . . Freedom of speech goes both ways (more on that in a little…)"
"Either you are with us or against us."
Right after 9/11, It was considered inappropriate to mock or make fun of our president, so, naturally, entertainers had nothing funny to share.
But a silly man by the name of Bill Maher decided to be "Politically Incorrect" and was scorned. White House spokesman Ari Fleischer denounced the TV host, saying, "There are reminders to all Americans that they need to watch what they say, watch what they do, and that this is not a time for remarks like that. … It never is."
"As for the faith based thing: that’s what they are. Can a church, temple, mosque, etc not have their own organization? Or are you against that too?"
Again, I was merely showing the PC phrases that the Right relies on to shun others who question. The term "Faith-based" organizations helps eliminate the the "wall of separation." Believe me, I have complete respect for religious institutions, but I'm absolutely against supplying them with federal tax dollars.
I said this once, and I'll say it again: PC is annoying when it's taken to the extreme. But I absolutely see nothing wrong with making an effort to not offend others.
"To educate a man in mind, and not in morals, is to educate a menace to society."
-Teddy Roosevelt
"Parents of two Florida schoolchildren have hired a civil rights attorney and may sue because their kids had to hear a racial slur during a classroom English lesson, reports the Associated Press."
Don't get me started with lawsuits. These people are just money-driven leeches - they disgust me!
"Yet the Dixie Chicks whined that radio stations wouldn’t play their music when they made their comments."
I believe they were complaining more about the death threats they were receiving from Tobey Keith's fans. FUTK! lol . . .
One last thing: Why do you guys constantly whine about the Liberals whining? War Against Pouting - anyone with me? :)
12/5/2003 c10 3spurs0405champs
What has the world come to? LOL...just kidding. But seriously, these are all examples of things we wouldn't have even bothered with twenty years ago. People have to be so politically correct that it's so damn difficult to do anything right or you have to freaking please everyone.
Some people need to just grow up and look at the situtation for what it is. You're not Catholic? Fine, not a problem, but don't go whining about the Christmas tree because it's not JUST a religious symbol anymore (or if it ever was)...all it is is a symbol of the holidays and to freaking bring out the festive cheer.
By the way, I'm not Christian or Catholic or believe in any of the other religions that have a religious basis in Christmas...just letting you people know :)
Okay, that's enough of my ranting. Just wanted to get it out there that the world has changed so much, with people clamoring here and there for political correctness. Frankly, it's getting tiring.
12/5/2003 c10 14Admiral
Much, much better...
12/5/2003 c10 6Ghost in the Machine
And conservatives don't scream for liberal heads? (Rush Limbaugh during the Clinton administration ring any bells?) The tradition of 'viewing with alarm' has been around as long as politics has existed. People try to make their side look good and the other side look bad. It is, unfortunately, human nature.
Oh, the joy of standing in the middle and watching both sides make idiots of themselves.
12/5/2003 c10 7C Shot
Halo Steve, sorry I havent reviewed or said anything for a while been busy. I got IM basketball, speech team and the one act play... winter is always so busy.
Once again you it the spot, liberals are so damn whiny, most of my friends are liberal so I know first hand.
~C Shot~
12/5/2003 c10 Mbwun
Some nice responses in here. Frankly, you're a way better writer than Ann Coulter. There's just something about fanatics (of any belief system) that pisses me off. Anyone interested in my views on smoking can read my essay on it*. The Dixie Chicks are idiots because they didn't consider their audience when they said what they said. I mean, jeez, you're in the entertainment business, aren't you supposed to be somewhat educated on the beliefs of the majority of your consumers? And of course radio stations boycotting DC music isn't an infringement of speech; it's a result of a considerable drop in demand. (And frankly, maybe boycotting country isn't that bad of an idea...:) Jeez, how many times did I say "frankly" in this review?
~He Who Walks On All Fours
*Shameless self-advertisement. Steve Lawrence was not compensated in any way for it, and Mbwun is not sorry.:)
12/5/2003 c10 3Le Creature
I thought you might want to, after your essay on PC. Maybe you don't know what i'm talking about... http:/w.fictionpress.com/read.php?storyid=1424962
12/5/2003 c9 2RCS
You're right about political correctness being a load of crap. It's liberal Big-Brother touchy-feeliness at its worst. That being said, a public radio station that's probably university-owned (Ypsilanti is the home of Eastern Michigan University) can fire someone for saying something that violates their political sensitivities. And EMU is a very PC university.
In response to Djinko Primko: it's impossible to win liberals over with logic. They're genetically incapable of logic. You try to appeal to their logic, and they inevitable resort to personal attacks. So all you can do is respond in kind.
12/5/2003 c9 6Ghost in the Machine
And once again, someone who doesn't understand free speech rights.
Everyone has a right to express their opinions. On their own dime. (And yes, I meant 'dime', not 'time'.) However, one does not have the right to use a medium owned by someone else to express their opinions.
This website has terms of service that allow the management to remove anything they don't want present. A privately owned radio station has the right to fire someone who they don't want on the air because his message is something they don't want to be associated with.
While I believe that political correctness is garbage, private entities do retain the right to practice it.
12/4/2003 c9 14Admiral
About the DJ: I've mentioned this before elsewhere. The First Amendment says "Congress shall make no law..." The point of Freedom of Speech is that everyone may say what they want. Nowhere in the Constitution or in any body of laws is anyone guaranteed a platform to say it. It may be PC and it may be hypocritical, but if the views expressed by the DJ go against the views or policies of the people who own the radio station, the owners have every legal right to get rid of him.
Also, Mbwun and your grammar check are right. "One's" is the best pronoun to use in this context and "his" is the traditional one. That said, the phrase "his or her" may be PC, but it's also GC (grammatically correct). You'll just have to live with it.
The other examples mentioned in the chapter are better for highlighting political correctness run amok.
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